Comparison between Container homes and Regular granny flats/sleepouts in Auckland
Superior Renovatiions draws a comparion between Container Homes and Regular Dwellings such as granny flats and sleepouts. The comparison is largely applicable to the Auckland market.
The guideline provides a comprehesive comparison between the two based on their consent process, ease of construction, time taken, return on investment and how well they fit into the Urban lifestyle of the Auckland market.
The guideline includes the modifications made to the Building Act of 2020 which states that you can build outdoor structures of upto 30m2 without needing any consent from the council.
Read the full artcile Container homes Vs Regular granny flats and Sleepouts on their website.
For more information on Container homes, granny flats, sleepouts and Garage conversion call Superior Renovations on 0800 199 888 (ext 1). For visit their website on