Q Mastercard® (18 Months Interest Free)^ Option for renovations

Vicky D

Monday 21 December 2020, 4:59PM

By Vicky D


Q Mastercard® (18 Months Interest Free)^ Option for renovations
Q Mastercard® (18 Months Interest Free)^ Option for renovations Credit: Vicky D

Are you thinking about Renovating? or perhaps it’s been on your to-do list for while?

As Auckland prices soar, more people are renovating their homes than ever before. Most families want to renovate to either re-sell or add functionality and comfort to their existing homes as the needs of their families evolve.

People are reluctant to sell their current homes for larger or more modern homes because of several reasons. Some of our clients were reluctant because they love their current neighbourhoods or because a better home might mean moving further away from the central suburbs of Auckland.

The Auckland housing market is also not the best if you want to sell your home. So instead they look at renovating their homes to suit their family’s needs.

Check out our fill article here on our 18 month interest free payment option for renovations