Mayor Goff welcomes $1.4 billion infrastructure announcement

Auckland Council

Thursday 28 April 2022, 11:37AM

By Auckland Council



Auckland Mayor Phil Goff welcomed this morning’s announcement by the government of a further $1.4 billion investment in Auckland’s housing infrastructure.

“This money is critical to the investment we are making to the Auckland Housing Programme’s regeneration of older housing areas in Mt Roskill, Māngere, Tāmaki, Oranga and Northcote,” Mayor Goff said.

“As our population grows, it makes sense to renew and intensify housing in areas close to good transport infrastructure, jobs, education opportunities, shops and amenities.

“The old state houses on large sections did their job well but they are now at the end of their lives. Aucklanders’ and the city’s needs have changed, and we are catering for that through enabling more apartments and terraced housing in compact, livable communities.

“With the government’s investment alongside Auckland Council’s multi-billion-dollar expenditure in infrastructure in our recent 10-year Budget, and some hundreds of millions of dollars we will invest specifically in the Auckland Housing Programme, we will enable the creation of a further 16,000 houses, with 6,000 of those being much needed social housing.

“This is a significant step forward for Auckland, helping address the longstanding shortage of housing and critical housing needs of low-income families,” Mayor Goff said.