Auckland Council

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Council 28 Apr 2022
Mayor Goff welcomes $1.4 billion infrastructure announcement

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Mayor Phil Goff welcomed this morning’s announcement by the government of a further $1.4 billion investment in Auckland’s housing infrastructure.


Transport 27 Apr 2022
New electric ferries "a gamechanger" for Auckland says Goff

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland’s first fully electric ferries will hit the water by 2024, thanks to $27 million of new funding from the government and $7 million from Auckland Transport, announced by Mayor Phil Goff and Minister of Energy and Resources Megan Woods this afternoon.


Transport 1 Aug 2014
Mayor announces 20 percent cut in cost of City Rail Link

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Mayor Len Brown has announced a significant reduction in the cost of the City Rail Link (CRL) from $2.86 billion to less than $2.4 billion lowering the price of Auckland's number one transport infrastructure priority by about 20 per cent.


Cycling 5 Feb 2014
Cycling carnival captures Quay Street's potential

AUCKLAND CITY — Aucklanders will get a taste of Quay Street’s potential as a world-class waterfront boulevard this Saturday as it is closed off to traffic for the cycle-themed street carnival, ‘Ciclovia on Quay’.


Sport 18 Dec 2013
Colin Maiden Park to stay in public ownership

AUCKLAND — Auckland Council has added Colin Maiden Park in St Johns to its parks network, ensuring this open space and sports field complex remains in public ownership and available to the people of Auckland forever.


Marine 5 Jul 2013
New vessel to strengthen Auckland's harbour protection

AUCKLAND CITY — A new multi-purpose vessel was added to Auckland Council's Harbourmaster fleet after being christened by the Mayoress at the Marine Rescue Centre today.


Conservation 25 Feb 2013
"Extinct" seabird discovered breeding 50 km from Auckland City

AUCKLAND CITY — Researchers are elated to find the sparrow-sized New Zealand storm petrel, thought extinct until 2003, is breeding on Little Barrier Island Hauturu in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park.


Pets 14 Dec 2012
Kitties galore need new homes

AUCKLAND CITY — A recent influx of abandoned cats and kittens at west Auckland’s animal shelter is being described as the start of the summer deluge.

Vicki Whitaker and cat


Transport 14 Dec 2012
Warnings of Auckland transport network crisis

AUCKLAND CITY — A study into the future transport needs of Auckland reveals a looming crisis as the city’s population growth exceeds the ability of the transport network to cope.


Crime 3 Dec 2012
Dramatic drop in Auckland graffiti vandalism

AUCKLAND — The latest audit of graffiti vandalism in Auckland shows levels of visible graffiti vandalism have dropped by one-third.


Water 20 Nov 2012
Beach water quality testing underway for summer

AUCKLAND — This summer’s Safeswim beach water quality monitoring is underway with more than 60 beaches in the region included in the programme.


Real Estate 19 Nov 2012
Support for Hobsonville Point housing scheme

AUCKLAND — Auckland Council is to investigate opportunities for innovative housing forms and sections sizes to enable the provision of more affordable homes in a pilot programme at Hobsonville Point.


Business 16 Nov 2012
Auckland Business Confidence Down

AUCKLAND CITY — Business confidence among Auckland firms is at its lowest point in 12 months, according to the latest figures from Auckland Chamber of Commerce’s quarterly business confidence survey.


Council 14 Nov 2012
Aucklanders embrace innovative Unitary Plan engagement

AUCKLAND — Hundreds of Aucklanders have embraced the more inclusive community engagement approach council is undertaking for the Auckland Unitary Plan.


Council 9 Nov 2012
New board appointments for ACPL and ACIL

AUCKLAND CITY — The Mayor has welcomed the appointment of Tiwana Tibble to the board of Auckland Council Property Limited (ACPL) and Diana Puketapu to Auckland Council Investments Limited (ACIL).


News 9 Nov 2012
Auckland takes top honours at inaugural Urban Design awards

AUCKLAND CITY — Confirmation that Auckland’s quest to be a world leader in urban design is on track came last night when two local projects took top honours at the national industry awards.


Environment 9 Nov 2012
High RMA fine for illegal dumping

AUCKLAND CITY — A case of illegal dumping brought by Auckland Council has resulted in the highest Resource Management Act fine ever for a council prosecution.


News 6 Nov 2012
Auckland Council Street Prostitution Bill – letter to all NZ councils

Below is a letter to all the Mayors and CEOs of local and regional authorities in New Zealand from Local Board Chairs of Otara-Papatoetoe, Mangere-Otahuhu and Manurewa regarding the Auckland Council Street Prostitution Bill.


Council 6 Nov 2012
Scorecard shows liveability continuing to improve

AUCKLAND — The second annual Auckland Scorecard has revealed Auckland is making further progress towards becoming the world’s most liveable city.

he second annual Auckland Scorecard has revealed Auckland is making further progress towards becoming the world's most liveable city.


Conservation 5 Nov 2012
Join Zoo in race to save orangutan

AUCKLAND CITY — The Great Ape Race – a mini ‘amazing race’ around Auckland Zoo to raise funds to help conserve orangutan in the wild, takes place on Thursday 15 November (6pm-9pm) as part of Orangutan Caring Week celebrations.

Bornean orangutan male Charlie


News 2 Nov 2012
Hot housing market sign of Auckland's success

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland’s buoyant housing market demonstrates that the region is an attractive place to live and work for both New Zealanders and migrants.


Finance 2 Nov 2012
Lower Auckland rate increases a step closer

AUCKLAND CITY — Lower average rate increases for Aucklanders are a step closer after a meeting of Auckland Council's Strategy and Finance Committee today.


Technology 2 Nov 2012
Keep informed if a natural disaster strikes Auckland

Superstorm Sandy is a reminder that a large-scale natural disaster can strike at anytime, anywhere.


Pets 29 Oct 2012
Help your pets keep calm and carry on this Guy Fawkes

AUCKLAND — Auckland Council is calling on pet owners to make their pets’ safety a priority during the fireworks season.


Finance 25 Oct 2012
Auckland's 2.9 per cent rates increase could go lower

Rates in Auckland will go up by an average of 2.9 per cent if the Mayoral proposal for the 2013/14 Annual Plan is adopted.


Community 25 Oct 2012
Shared spaces a winner for the public and business

AUCKLAND CITY — Shared spaces in Auckland’s city centre are taking off with real benefits for the public and business alike.


News 25 Oct 2012
Proposed Auckland Council rates increase lowest yet

Auckland Council's next rates increase will be the lowest yet if the Mayoral Proposal for the council's Annual Plan - its budget for the coming year - is adopted.


News 25 Oct 2012
A striking new footbridge for Point Resolution

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council is starting work this weekend on replacing the footbridge linking Tamaki Drive to Point Resolution and the Parnell Baths.


Community 19 Oct 2012
Forum to guide council's planning rules

AUCKLAND CITY — Aucklanders will have a chance to discuss the planning rules that will shape the city, as a two-week online forum gets underway next week.


Environment 18 Oct 2012
Government support for Unitary Plan welcomed

AUCKLAND CITY — Legislative change that will greatly speed the implementation of the Auckland Council Unitary Plan has been welcomed by Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse.


Art 18 Oct 2012
Aucklander scoops Objective Arts prize

AUCKLAND CITY — The winners of the sixth Objective Art Awards, part of Southside Arts Festival, were announced on Friday 12 October at the Mangere Arts Centre – Ngā Tohu o Uenuku.

Objective premier award winner, Jasmine Watson


Entertainment 15 Oct 2012
Living Room line-up will impress all guests

AUCKLAND — The city centre will soon be alive with an impressive line-up of freestyle riders, go-go dancers, tappers, acrobats and more when the Living Room festival kicks off for 2012.


Art 15 Oct 2012
Past and present on paper at park

AUCKLAND — Artist James Ormsby is settling in to his latest project as the Auckland Council’s regional parks artist in residence.

James Ormsby in studio


Finance 1 Oct 2012
Assurance over council budget savings

AUCKLAND CITY — The Mayor has moved to correct any confusion about the budget and rates setting process for the coming year.


Forestry 1 Oct 2012
Auckland Council deals to Dutch elm tree disease outbreak in Whitford

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council has confirmed that more than 50 elm trees in Whitford have been found to have Dutch elm disease, a destructive and fast spreading disease that was prominent in the early 1990s.


News 28 Sep 2012
Tepid Baths win prestigious award

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council’s iconic Tepid Baths has won the New Zealand Project Management Institute’s (PMINZ) Public Sector Project of the Year award.


News 25 Sep 2012
Auckland Council welcomes sport and recreation youth survey findings

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council has welcomed the findings of the most comprehensive survey ever done into the place of sport and recreation in the lives of young New Zealanders.


Tourism 25 Sep 2012
Lonely Planet laurels added to Auckland's list

AUCKLAND — The recognition by Lonely Planet that Auckland and its harbours are the top two international tourism attractions in New Zealand has been welcomed by the Mayor.


News 24 Sep 2012
Inaugural Sir John Logan Campbell Lecture

AUCKLAND CITY — Mayor Len Brown is initiating a new annual lecture to honour the memory and legacy of the ‘father of Auckland’, Sir John Logan Campbell.


Conservation 20 Sep 2012
Be a keeper at Auckland Zoo these holidays

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Zoo is offering youngsters a unique opportunity to role-play being a zookeeper, vet and other Zoo workers, by taking part in its ‘Replay The Zoo’ programme these October holidays from 29 September until 14 October.

Auckland Zoo logo


Council 20 Sep 2012
Auckland's new civil defence mobile app tops the charts

AUCKLAND — Auckland Civil Defence’s new mobile phone apps have jumped straight to the top of the download charts.


Education 14 Sep 2012
Auckland's aspiring scientists recognised

Hundreds of aspiring young scientists across central Auckland recently displayed science and technology projects at the NIWA Auckland City Science and Technology Fair, with six Auckland school students picking up Auckland Council awards at the event.


Employment 14 Sep 2012
Call to match South Aucklanders with Horticulture jobs

The Chair of Otara-Papatoetoe Local board of Auckland Council, John McCracken, has called for a united effort to find work for South Auckland  people within the horticultural sector.


Economy 14 Sep 2012
Auckland launches ambitious economic plan

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland’s ambitious new Economic Development Strategy (EDS), designed to boost Auckland’s role as the nation’s economic powerhouse, reached a significant milestone with its official launch today.


Culture 7 Sep 2012
Discover, celebrate and be inspired by Auckland's unique heritage

AUCKLAND CITY — Be prepared for more of Tamaki Makaurau’s unique and fascinating past to be uncovered as final preparations are made for Auckland’s ninth annual Heritage Festival.


Council 7 Sep 2012
Incorporating council logo will not be costly

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council says incorporating its pohutukawa logo into Watercare Services Ltd branding will not cost the council-controlled organisation millions of dollars.


News 27 Aug 2012
Have your say on the future of O'Connell Street

AUCKLAND CITY — Aucklanders are invited to have their say on the first proposed street upgrade since the launch of the City Centre Masterplan.


News 27 Aug 2012
Living Building Challenge comes to Auckland

AUCKLAND CITY — The author of the Living Building Challenge, the world’s most stringent green building programme, and a key influencer in the international green building movement, is coming to Auckland.


Family 21 Aug 2012
Seeking owner of 500 year-old family tree

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Libraries has a large and detailed piece of family history that it desperately wants to reunite with its owner.


Conservation 18 Aug 2012
Protection measures stepped up for Hunua kauri

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council has introduced new protection measures in the Hunua Ranges to protect kauri from kauri dieback disease.


Community 18 Aug 2012
Ethnic Conversations Public Meeting

AUCKLAND CITY — The Auckland Council's Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel that has been appointed by the Mayor of Auckland has been in existence for one year.


Environment 15 Aug 2012
Gulf Forum looks for enhancement path

AUCKLAND CITY — The Hauraki Gulf Forum has invited experts in environmental management to explain how the state of the Hauraki Gulf might be improved at a public seminar at Auckland Museum next week, Wednesday August 22.


Community 15 Aug 2012
Auckland confirmed as top 10 global city

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland’s position as one of the world’s top 10 most liveable cities has been confirmed with the release of the latest Economist Intelligence Unit’s Global Liveability Report.


Alcohol 14 Aug 2012
Taskforce slashes liquor bans breaches

AUCKLAND CITY — Liquor ban breaches in the central city have plummeted by 80 per cent as a result of work by the Mayoral Taskforce on Alcohol and Community Safety.


News 7 Aug 2012
New boundary will give Auckland room to grow

AUCKLAND — A new development boundary replacing the current metropolitan urban limits will be introduced to ensure Auckland has 30 years supply of greenfield land for residential and business growth as targeted in the Auckland Plan.


Transport 19 Jul 2012
Auckland takes another step towards fixing congestion

AUCKLAND CITY — A report outlining alternative options for funding critical transport projects such as the additional Waitemata Harbour Crossing, City Rail Link, Penlink, rail to the Airport and the East-West Link has won the support of Auckland Council.


Business 19 Jul 2012
Business improvement district targeted rates reduced

AUCKLAND CITY — As part of developing its new rating policy Auckland Council has been updating and improving the property valuation data for the 517,000 properties that it uses for setting rates.


Entertainment 17 Jul 2012
Ahoy there, swimmers!

AUCKLAND CITY — Landlubbers of all ages are invited to become pirates for the day and brave the icy waters of Mission Bay for Winter Splash 2012.

Mid winter swim


Council 10 Jul 2012
Online video explains Auckland's rating changes

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council has launched a new four-minute video to help explain the changes to Auckland’s new single rating system.


Community 10 Jul 2012
Mayor in the Chair in Mangere Town Centre

AUCKLAND CITY — Len Brown will pull up a chair in Mangere Town Centre on Monday 23 July for his next Mayor in the Chair session.


Fashion 10 Jul 2012
Call for Cult Couture designer registrations

AUCKLAND — Entries for the Cult Couture fashion show close on 27 July and designers are encouraged to get in early and secure their place in this year's show.


Council 28 Jun 2012
Council seeks greater public input on Unitary Plan

AUCKLAND CITY — Providing greater opportunity for Aucklanders to have their say is at the heart of Auckland Council’s proposed changes to the Unitary Plan process.


Alcohol 27 Jun 2012
Progress on tackling central city alcohol issues

AUCKLAND CITY — Work is progressing well in three keys areas to minimise alcohol-related harm in central Auckland, based on an action plan developed by the Mayoral Taskforce.


News 22 Jun 2012
Tepid Baths grand opening tomorrow

AUCKLAND CITY — The tiles are polished, the pools have been filled, the historic hanging baskets are in place and the staff and lifeguards are ready to welcome visitors to the carefully restored Tepid Baths.


Alcohol 21 Jun 2012
Coordinated steps to minimise alcohol harm

The region’s first alcohol harm reduction strategy has been adopted by Auckland Council, reinforcing the proposed actions from the Mayor’s alcohol and community safety taskforce.


Council 21 Jun 2012
Council votes to step up focus on heritage matters

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council’s Regional Development and Operations Committee (RDOC) has agreed unanimously on a raft of recommendations to strengthen the focus on built heritage through the planning process.


Waste 21 Jun 2012
Auckland ready to tackle waste

AUCKLAND — Auckland now has its first region-wide plan for tackling waste to reduce harm to the environment and help ensure Auckland is the world's most liveable city.


News 20 Jun 2012
Go for gold at Zoolympics 2012

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Zoo is inviting all eager competitors to race in and take the 2012 Zoolympic Challenge  - on at the Zoo these July holidays and every day until Sunday 12 August.


Art 20 Jun 2012
Candice Stock 'wheelchair art' in side way

AUCKLAND CITY — When walking past Artstation on Ponsonby Road, make sure you check out the Youth Art Committee’s (YAC) latest offering, How we Roll, an installation by Candice Stock.


Community 19 Jun 2012
First grants from Mayoress' Fund for Youth

AUCKLAND CITY — Nearly $150,000 is going towards boosting young Aucklanders' health, wellbeing and career prospects from the Mayoress' Fund for Youth.

Auckland Communities Foundation logo


Transport 19 Jun 2012
Upper North Island ports study commences

AUCKLAND — An independent technical study on the current and future freight demand for ports and ports-related infrastructure in the upper North Island will begin this month, following the appointment of PriceWaterhouseCoopers to undertake the study.


Community 15 Jun 2012
Tepid Baths grand opening next week

The doors to Auckland’s iconic Tepid Baths will open to the public once again on Saturday 23 June after an ambitious $15.8 million restoration and upgrade.


Health 13 Jun 2012
Support for smokefree policy development

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council’s Parks, Recreation and Heritage Forum has recommended the council develop a non-regulatory smokefree policy across the region.


Alcohol 13 Jun 2012
Mayor takes action on central city alcohol issues

AUCKLAND CITY — The taskforce established by the Mayor have today agreed on actions to reduce alcohol-related antisocial behaviour on Auckland’s inner-city streets.


Environment 6 Jun 2012
Students help grow our future

AUCKLAND CITY — An Auckland-wide school tree-planting programme led by Mayor Len Brown was launched today with help from Avondale Intermediate students and community volunteers.


Building 1 Jun 2012
Council declines request to fast track application for brothel building

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council has declined a request to fast track the resource consent application for a 15 level mixed-use building, which would include a brothel, directly to the Environment Court.


Art 29 May 2012
Aucklanders love the arts

AUCKLAND CITY — Nearly 90 per cent of Aucklanders agree it is important for their city to be known as a place that supports the arts, according to new survey results.


Council 24 May 2012
Mayor delivers on prudence and transformation

AUCKLAND — Mayor Len Brown has hailed the passing of Auckland Council's first 10-year budget as a triumph of balancing prudence and transformation.


Community 23 May 2012
Mayor announces free pools for kids

AUCKLAND CITY — Access to Auckland’s council-owned swimming pools will be free to children 16 years and under following a decision at today’s Strategy and Finance Committee meeting.


Business 23 May 2012
Fairness wins on lower UAGC

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council has agreed on a Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC) of $350 as the most fair and equitable figure for all Aucklanders.


News 23 May 2012
Mayor in the Chair in Mairangi Bay

AUCKLAND CITY — Len Brown is looking forward to chatting to Mairangi Bay locals when holds a Mayor in the Chair event on Tuesday 29 May.


Council 23 May 2012
Mayor pledges fair and balanced 10-year budget

AUCKLAND — The Mayor is confident he can hold average rate increases around the rate of inflation and save 125,000 Auckland households from double-digit rate increases.   The Strategy and Finance Committee will meet tomorrow to decide the final form of the council’s 10-year budget, the Long-term Plan (LTP).


Waste 22 May 2012
Queen's Birthday rubbish and recycling collection dates

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council is advising residents that, commencing Monday 4 June (Queen’s Birthday), all its regular kerbside rubbish, recycling and paper collections will be one day later than usual due to the Queen’s Birthday public holiday.


Community 22 May 2012
Youth publication profiles one-third of Auckland's population

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council’s inaugural Children and Young People in Auckland publication highlights the opportunities and challenges faced by the demographic group, which makes up one-third of Auckland’s population.


News 21 May 2012
E te iloa Fa'a- Sāmoa? Celebrating Samoan Language Week at Auckland Libraries

AUCKLAND CITY — To celebrate Samoan as the second-most spoken language in Auckland, Auckland Libraries is hosting an exciting line-up of free events and activities during le Vaiaso o le Gagana Sāmoa (Samoan Language Week, 27 May to 2 June).


News 21 May 2012
Strategic assets not for sale

AUCKLAND CITY — The Mayor has reaffirmed that Auckland will not be selling off its strategic assets – the port and its airport shares.


Council 21 May 2012
Open letter re older Aucklanders

AUCKLAND — Grey Power Age Concern Franklin Senior Citizens Group Dear Chris We have spoken at length about the impact of rates increases on the elderly and the inequities of the current system.


Building 21 May 2012
Plans unveiled to upgrade waterfront heritage building into cruise ship and event facility

AUCKLAND —   Design plans have been revealed for the proposed conversion of a heritage building on Auckland’s waterfront into a world class multi use cruise and events facility.


Council 21 May 2012
Mayor drives $1.7 billion in reduced costs

AUCKLAND — The Mayor is confident that Auckland Council will hold average rate increases to around the rate of inflation after driving $1.7 billion out of the draft Long-term Plan (LTP) despite pressures on council budgets.


Environment 9 May 2012
Insulation work to cut emissions

AUCKLAND CITY — A joint effort between Auckland Council and Tasman Insulation Ltd to reduce a major steam plume in Penrose has drastically reduced emissions and made Auckland’s air cleaner.


Business 8 May 2012
Business to pay same proportion under new system

AUCKLAND CITY — The Mayor has confirmed that business will pay the same proportion of rates as under the combined legacy councils and that rates differentials will reduce over the next decade.


Environment 8 May 2012
Plant trees at Long Bay this weekend

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council’s planting season kicks off this weekend at Long Bay Regional Park.


Pets 3 May 2012
Council listens to good dog owners

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council has listened to good dog owners who said that more work is needed on the proposed fee structure in order to match it with council’s upcoming policy work for dogs.


Tramping 2 May 2012
Waitakere Ranges track closures

AUCKLAND — From 1 July, Auckland Council will be closing 13 "kauri protection zones" in Waitakere Ranges Regional Park to protect kauri from kauri dieback.


Environment 2 May 2012
One week left to enter Sustainable Environment Awards

AUCKLAND CITY — Individuals, groups and organisations from throughout the Auckland region are encouraged to get their entries in for the 2012 Auckland Council Sustainable Environmental Awards.


Pets 1 May 2012
New proposals to reward responsible dog owners

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland councillors this week consider two new proposals on dog registration fees, including reinstating a discount for responsible dog owners.


Electricity 1 May 2012
Helping Auckland homes go solar

AUCKLAND — From today Auckland residents will be able to take part in a renewable energy scheme that will help them save on power bills.


Fashion 30 Apr 2012
Pacific fashion takes centre stage

AUCKLAND CITY — A fashion show with a twist is set to take centre stage on Friday 4 May at the Mangere Arts Centre.


Art 27 Apr 2012
Auckland street art hits Los Angeles

AUCKLAND CITY — Multi-disciplinary Auckland artist Askew One has been honoured under the Los Angles Sister Cities programme for his generosity and stewardship as a mentor in contemporary public art.


Community 24 Apr 2012
Have your say on Auckland Council's draft community funding policy

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council is encouraging people to have their say on a new draft policy, which proposes how community funding should be allocated across the region.