Wellington Ferry Terminal redevelopment approved

An independent fast-track consenting panel has approved the Kaiwharawhara Wellington Ferry Terminal redevelopment.
The project includes building a new wharf and infrastructure, coastal reclamation, as well as landscaping and planting.
KiwiRail Holdings Limited lodged a resource consent application and notice of requirement for the Kaiwharawhara Wellington Ferry Terminal Redevelopment under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020.
This redevelopment will upgrade the Interislander facilities at Kaiwharawhara. It will accommodate two new larger ferries, with diesel and electric hybrid capabilities, to handle the increase of rail transport for freight.
Construction will start on a new wharf, ferry terminal building and upgraded surroundings for parking, people and the safe movement of vehicles and rail.
An expert consenting panel granted resource consents with conditions and confirmed a notice of requirement with conditions.
The decision comes 106 working days after the applications and notices of requirement were lodged with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). From 20 December 2022 until 10 January 2023 are excluded from the definition of working days under the Act.
The EPA provides advice and administrative support for the Panel Convener, Judge Newhook, and the expert consenting panels he appoints. We are not involved in the decision-making.
Read the Kaiwharawhara Wellington Terminal redevelopment decision