Environmental Protection Authority

50 posts | 10 images

The Environmental Risk Management Authority (the Authority) was established under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act 1996. The Authority's main role is to make decisions on applications to import, develop, or field test new organisms; or to import or manufacture hazardous substances to New Zealand. The Authority is the decision making body and consists of up to eight members appointed by the Minister for the Environment. 

Joined August 2007
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Environment 4 Dec 2024
Aerial 1080 use increased and reported incidents fell in 2023

Aerial 1080 operations increased in 2023, according to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) annual report on operations, research, and incidents relating to aerial 1080 use.


Energy 8 Nov 2024
Consent granted for Taheke Geothermal Project

ROTORUA — An independent panel has granted resource consent, subject to conditions, to construct and operate a power station near the Taheke geothermal field in Rotorua.

Tawhiri Morehu, Chairperson of the Proprietors of Taheke 8C and Adjoining Blocks (Inc). Image supplied by the applicant.


Environment 2 Oct 2024
Fast-track panel approves consent to expand Auckland quarry

AUCKLAND — An independent panel has approved resource consent, subject to conditions, to expand the Brookby Quarry.


Accommodation 26 Sep 2024
Fast-track panel approves consent for new Queenstown hotel

QUEENSTOWN — An independent panel has approved resource consent, subject to conditions, to construct a hotel on Man Street, Queenstown.


Environment 24 Sep 2024
Carterton solar farm granted fast track consent

CARTERTON — An independent panel has approved resource consent, subject to conditions, for a solar farm in Carterton, Wairarapa.


Building 26 May 2023
Browns Bay apartments get fast-track consent

AUCKLAND CITY — An independent panel has granted consent, subject to conditions, to construct four apartment blocks and associated infrastructure on Browns Bay Road in Auckland.  The application was made by Matvin Group Limited under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020.


Environment 22 May 2023
Te Rere Hau windfarm redevelopment plans approved

PALMERSTON NORTH — An independent fast-track consenting panel has granted resource consent, with conditions, for a project to redevelop and expand Te Rere Hau wind farm on the Tararua Range, east of Palmerston North.


Environment 5 May 2023
Consent for Unitec residential development

AUCKLAND CITY — An independent fast-track consenting panel has granted resource consent, subject to conditions, to build 50 residential units and work related to roading, infrastructure and earthworks within the Wairaka Precinct, in Owairaka/Mount Albert, Auckland.

Artist impression of proposed Unitec residential development


Environment 2 May 2023
Fresh funding for nationwide eDNA waterways initiative

From Northland to Southland, communities will be wading into their waterways to test what native plant life and animal species are there, thanks to funding from the Environmental Protection Authority’s (EPA) Wai Tuwhera o te Taiao - Open Waters Aotearoa eDNA programme.

Sampling water for eDNA


Environment 2 May 2023
Catchment groups receive EPA funding for water testing

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has partnered with NZ Landcare Trust and Wilderlab to fund 19 community catchment groups to test a waterway in their region to discover the plants and animals living in it.


Environment 21 Apr 2023
Call for information on waterway weedkillers

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) is seeking information on how aquatic herbicides containing specific chemicals are used in Aotearoa New Zealand.


Environment 19 Apr 2023
It's a fast track for The Hill at Ellerslie

AUCKLAND — An independent fast-track consenting panel has granted resource consent with conditions to a housing development in Ellerslie, Auckland.

Proposed site for The Hill housing development at Ellerslie.


Environment 13 Apr 2023
Fast-track panel approves Auckland retirement village

AUCKLAND CITY — An independent fast-track consenting panel has granted resource consent with conditions for retirement village in Half Moon Bay, Auckland.

Artist's impression of proposed retirement village in Half Moon Bay


Environment 26 Jan 2023
Wellington Ferry Terminal redevelopment approved

WELLINGTON CITY — An independent fast-track consenting panel has approved the Kaiwharawhara Wellington Ferry Terminal redevelopment.

New Interislander ferry concept


Health 29 Jun 2011
New rules for dental whiteners

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has amended the rules around dental whiteners containing hydrogen peroxide.


Environment 29 Jun 2011
Beetles approved for control of tradescantia

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has approved the release of a further two beetle species to control the weed tradescantia.


Environment 28 Jun 2011
EPA Chief Executive announced

Mr Rob Forlong has been appointed Chief Executive of the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), it was announced today by the Chair of the EPA Board, Ms Kerry Prendergast.


Environment 23 Jun 2011
Fungus approved to control Chilean needlegrass

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has approved the release of a rust fungus to control the weed Chilean needlegrass.


Environment 26 May 2011
Authority revokes approvals for fungicide quintozene

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has revoked the approvals for the fungicide quintozene, due to dioxin impurities.


Environment 9 Nov 2010
Submissions sought on new Possum Poison

ERMA New Zealand is calling for public submissions on an application for a possible alternative to 1080 for ground-based control of possums.


Environment 2 Nov 2010
Strict controls placed on methyl bromide fumigations

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has imposed strict controls on methyl bromide fumigations, including the requirement for recapture of the gas within 10 years.


Environment 21 Oct 2010
ERMA to review fungicide quintozene

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has decided there are grounds to reassess the use of the fungicide quintozene in New Zealand.


Gas 7 Sep 2010
Review of controls on LPG complete

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has completed its review of LPG, tightening the rules around the use of odorants, improving signage and refrigeration facility design and restricting the quantities of LPG that can be stored indoors.


Environment 26 Aug 2010
Submissions sought on GM pines application

The Environmental Risk Management Authority is calling for submissions on an application by Crown research institute Scion to conduct a field test of genetically modified pine trees in containment.


Environment 11 Dec 2009
Submissions sought on vertebrate poison baits

The Environmental Risk Management Authority is calling for submissions on an application by Connovation Limited to import or manufacture para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP).


Environment 23 Nov 2009
Deadline for submissions on methyl bromide reassessment extended

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has extended the deadline for submissions on the reassessment of fumigant methyl bromide.


News 5 Nov 2009
ERMA wants public input on review of methyl bromide

ERMA New Zealand is calling for public submissions on its reassessment of the fumigant methyl bromide.


News 9 Jun 2009
Controlled substances licence required for explosives

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has decided that people who possess certain types of explosives must undergo a Police check.


Employment 7 May 2009
Salary and pay expectations moving down fast

A major downward readjustment in pay rises is taking place as workers and businesses cut their cloth to the sudden change in the economic environment, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association.


Environment 19 Feb 2009
ERMA reviewing two more chemicals

The Environmental Risk Management Authority is calling for public submissions on the use of the herbicide methylarsinic acid and the insecticide azinphos methyl as part of its five-year programme to review hazardous substances.


News 3 Feb 2009
ERMA reviewing rules for possessing explosives

 ERMA New Zealand is calling for public submissions on a proposal to bring the requirements for possessing explosives into line with the requirements for possession of firearms, cyanide, and certain other high risk substances.


Environment 15 Dec 2008
Endosulfan Approvals Revoked

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has revoked the approvals for the insecticide endosulfan and prohibited its importation, manufacture and use in New Zealand.


Agriculture 8 Dec 2008
NZ Risk Analyst Honoured

Is it safe to plant a crop at this time of year? Will this new aircraft design carry passengers safely around the world?


Health 1 Dec 2008
Pesticide approvals revoked

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has revoked approvals for the use of the pesticide methyl parathion in New Zealand.


Science 27 Nov 2008
ERMA approves GM Onion trial

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has approved with conditions an application from Crop and Food Research to field test genetically modified plants of the allium family, including onions, spring onions, leeks and garlic.


Environment 19 Nov 2008
ERMA approves GM equine influenza vaccines

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has approved an application to conditionally release two genetically modified vaccines for equine influenza, subject to strict conditions.


Festival 17 Oct 2008
Fireworks safety campaign 2008 launched

The New Zealand Fire Service, New Zealand Police, Ministry for the Environment, and the Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA New Zealand) are coming together for a third consecutive year to launch a safety campaign to remind those celebrating Guy Fawkes that acting responsibly with fireworks will ensure a fun and successful event for all.


Environment 16 Oct 2008
Varroa chemical put on hold

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has declined an application from Bayer New Zealand Ltd to import Checkmite+ for release to control varroa mite in beehives.


Horse Racing 23 Sep 2008
ERMA Report on Equine Influenza Available

ERMA New Zealand's Evaluation and Review Report on the application to import and use, under controlled conditions, a live genetically modified virus vaccine to protect horses against Equine Influenza has been published and is available on the organisation's website, .


Food 5 Jun 2008
ERMA plans hearing for GM onion, spring onion, garlic and leek field test application

CHRISTCHURCH — The Environmental Risk Management Authority expects to hold a public hearing in Christchurch in August or September to hear oral submissions on the New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research's application to field test a range of genetically-modified vegetable species.


Environment 11 Apr 2008
ERMA receives GM field test application

The Environmental Risk Management Authority has received an application from the New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research to field test genetically-modified onions, spring onions, garlic and leeks.


News 8 Mar 2008
ERMA New Zealand Appointment

Richard Woods was appointed to the Authority as its Chair with effect from April 2008.

Richard Woods (Chair designate) CNZM, MA


Agriculture 15 Jan 2008
ERMA New Zealand clariies agresearch GM approvals

Recent reports have suggested that AgResearch might obtain an amendment to its current genetically modified cattle approvals so that it can move the animals around the country.


Agriculture 14 Jan 2008
ERMA clarifies AgResearch GM approvals

Recent reports have suggested that AgResearch might obtain an amendment to its current genetically modified cattle approvals so that it can move the animals around the country.


Agriculture 21 Dec 2007
Authority approves application to bring in horse flu vaccine

The Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA New Zealand) has approved an application by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Biosecurity New Zealand (MAF BNZ) to use a vaccine to protect New Zealand horses against the equine influenza virus.


Conservation 20 Dec 2007
Application received for biological control of Tradescantia

The Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA New Zealand) has received an application to import a Brazilian beetle to control the weed Tradescantia fluminensis, commonly known as wandering willie.


Conservation 19 Dec 2007
Authority appoints 1080 watch list Coordinator

The Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA New Zealand) has appointed a person to coordinate the management of the 1080 watch list and the implementation of the recommendations of the reassessment decision.


Conservation 19 Oct 2007
Authority welcomes new research beingdone on 1080

The Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA New Zealand) welcomes progress being made on further research into the effects of 1080 following its decision to allow continued aerial use of the pesticide.


Conservation 14 Sep 2007
Authority starts work on new 1080 management regime

The Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA New Zealand) has begun setting up the new management regime for the pesticide 1080.


Science 12 Sep 2007
GM onions research has not breached rules

The Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA New Zealand) says Crop and Food Research has not breached biosecurity rules in its research involving genetically modified (GM) onions.

Safe onions