Te Rere Hau windfarm redevelopment plans approved

Environmental Protection Authority

Monday 22 May 2023, 10:56AM

By Environmental Protection Authority



An independent fast-track consenting panel has granted resource consent, with conditions, for a project to redevelop and expand Te Rere Hau wind farm on the Tararua Range, east of Palmerston North.

NZ Windfarms Limited plans to remove 97 two-blade, 47 metre high turbines, and install 30 three blade, 162 metre high turbines. The project also includes upgrading the existing underground transmission line connecting the wind farm to the national electric grid, or installing a new overhead transmission line.

The application was granted with conditions, which include but are not limited to the requirement to prepare management plans before starting work and having measures to manage potential effects during construction. A full list of conditions can be read in the panel’s decision linked below.

The decision comes 104 working days after the application was lodged with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).

The EPA is not involved in the decision-making - we provide advice and administrative support for the panel convener, Judge Laurie Newhook, and the expert consenting panel he appoints.