Print Goes Green: The Future of Eco-Friendly Printing

Monday 12 June 2023, 1:04PM

By Fabric Digital


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As we increasingly come to terms with the impact of our actions on the environment, industries across the spectrum are waking up to the call of sustainability. One such industry, standing at the forefront of this eco-friendly revolution, is the world of printing.

Gone are the days when printing was simply about putting ink on paper. In this era of environmental awareness, the printing industry is taking significant strides towards a more sustainable future, actively working to decrease its environmental footprint.

The idea of 'green' printing doesn't just revolve around saving trees; it encompasses a much broader spectrum. It involves everything from the type of paper used to the inks applied, from the energy consumed to the waste produced.

Take, for instance, the advent of recycled paper. No longer is it solely about chopping down trees to create fresh batches of print material. Now, print companies are increasingly turning to recycled paper, a switch that significantly reduces the need for deforestation. But it's not just about recycled paper. The industry is also exploring alternatives such as 'tree-free' papers, which are made from crops like hemp, flax, and cotton.

The type of ink used also plays a crucial role in this eco-friendly transformation. Traditional petroleum-based inks are notorious for their negative environmental impact. As a response, printing firms are swapping these out for vegetable or soy-based inks, which are not only renewable but also less harmful when they enter the waste stream.

And let's not forget about the energy used in printing processes. Energy consumption is a critical factor in the printing industry's environmental impact. Recognising this, many printing companies are shifting towards using renewable energy sources. Solar panels are cropping up on the roofs of print houses, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a cleaner, greener future.

But sustainability in printing isn't only about using green materials and renewable energy. It's also about reducing waste. From making sure every drop of ink is used to ensuring minimal paper is wasted, print houses are optimising their processes for maximum efficiency and minimal waste.

These changes are also being reflected in the equipment used in the industry. Modern printing machines are designed to be more energy-efficient, using less power to produce high-quality prints. Furthermore, they are designed to last longer, reducing the need for frequent replacement and minimising the waste generated by old, defunct machines.

While all these strides towards a greener future are commendable, it's crucial to note that the transition to sustainable printing is not without its challenges. It's a process that requires time, investment, and above all, a commitment to change. The industry needs to continue to innovate and find more sustainable alternatives to its traditional practices.

This commitment to a greener future isn't just good for the environment; it's also beneficial for business. Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their purchases, and businesses that align with these values are more likely to win their loyalty.

as we move further into the 21st century, it's evident that the printing industry is embracing the green revolution. It's not just about saving trees anymore, but about revolutionising techniques and methods for a sustainable future. The industry's efforts to minimise its environmental impact are both a significant and necessary change. As consumers, it's our responsibility to support these changes and choose print options that align with our commitment to the environment.