Guide to Pest Control in New Zealand

News Online

Friday 3 November 2023, 2:26PM

By News Online


Pest Control in New Zealand
Pest Control in New Zealand Credit: JAE Services

Pests are a problem all year round and throughout New Zealand, even though some do have more of a seasonal presence they still tend to do what they want, when they want. Summer is almost here (it's true!) and bugs will be keen to crawl out.  We here at JAE are a little all too familiar with the aftermath of what these pests can do to your home and so we have created a guide to help you with some of the worst offenders, whether you’re in need of information to stop the problem before it starts, you’re after tips on general control or in need of help with full on eradication, we’ve got you covered.

Check the categories in our Pest Control Guide and click on your problem pest to find out more information on why they might be entering your home, what their food sources are, how long a standard lifecycle is and, most importantly the extermination methods.