'Mess' (2001) a Poem by Leon Aarts
Don't read much
about literature
Don't listen to Classical
a great deal
Don't mix with intellectuals, as I know few
Don't swim
with Dolphins or Seals
Can't see the Truth in Lies
Can't feel the same as you do
Can't fathom Modern thinking
Don't sink to the depths some do
Won't listen to government propaganda
Won't hear, what they want to say
Won't ever rule out Freedom of Speech
Don't want to pay and pay
Didn't wish for all of this..alike some of you
Didn't plan this deadpan strategy
Was unaware of their hidden knowledge
Didn't expect any apology
Wouldn't want Greed
Wouldn't want Hate
Wouldn't want Wars
Wouldn't wish
This state we are in
Would you believe all this?
Wouldn't, surely unless it was true
Can't, cannot, understand why?
They, created, All this Mess