Ali Jones To Contest Innes Council Seat In Christchurch Local Body Elections
Former City Councillor (2013-2016) and current Community Board member, Ali Jones, has confirmed she will contest the Innes ward seat on the Christchurch City Council.
“I am absolutely focused on winning the Innes seat this October,” she says.
Keeping rates to no more than the rate of inflation and lower if possible is my main focus in the upcoming election campaign.
“This can only be achieved if there is a majority of city councillors around the table, committed to keeping rates low, cutting spending and reducing debt,” she says. “I am confident that rates can be kept down without reducing essential services.”
Ali Jones says the council procurement process has to be reviewed.
“Are ratepayers getting the best value for money? I’m not sure they are.” she says.
“Recently a small area on the corner of Courtenay and Westminster Streets cost just under $30,000 for a few people over a few days to move a few rocks around and tidy up weeds; which seems excessive. Then there’s a Science Centre in the Botanic Gardens that’s going to cost more than a quarter of a million dollars and it is not needed right now. The City Council has such high borrowings and debt repayments, it doesn’t make sense to me to be undertaking this type of project.”
Jones says the care and management of trees is another key campaign issue. In many parts of Christchurch, particularly in the Innes ward, trees are an important part of every neighbourhood, keeping streets and homes cooler, and helping with climate change. She says we need more trees not fewer.
“Last year after a tree in Mersey Street was savagely pruned, I raised some questions about the budget and any medium / long term management plan for these beautiful old trees in our area. I was informed that there is essentially no plan. Many of these trees have been left to grow unchecked and often untouched until they have become a real issue as they are now so close to power lines. As we have seen recently in Shirley’s Emmett and Riselaw Streets, we are told there is no option but to cut them down. It’s a real tragedy, which without a management plan in place will continue to happen,” she says.
The third issue Ali Jones will be campaigning on is roading and traffic.
“Simply installing speed bumps, putting in bus lanes which add to traffic congestion and driver frustration, and relying on cycle lanes in an attempt to resolve traffic issues is impulsive and more importantly it’s not helping anyone,” she says. “I believe our roading and transport challenges can be addressed in a more constructive, strategic, cost effective and innovative way. If we keep doing the same thing we will get the same result.”
-ENDS- For more information please contact Ali Jones on 027 247 3112
2016 – 2025 Elected member/ Chair, Waipapa Papanui Innes Community Board (From 2023, renamed the Waipapa Papanui Innes Central Community Board).
2018 – 2021 Govt appointed member of the Homeowners Advisory Group within the Greater ChCh Claims Resolution Service (GCCRS).
2019 – 2020 Community Reference Group (advising Dame Silvia Cartwright) Chair, Claimants Reference Group (Chair) – Ministerial appointment
2017 –2018 National Council of Women board member
2013 - 2016 Isaac Theatre Royal Trust Board (CCC rep trustee), Christchurch & Canterbury Tourism (CCC rep director); Member of the CCC Community, Housing, Economic Development Committee (CHED) and CCC Regulations and Consents Committee:
Member of the Creative NZ CCC Funding Committee. Also Chair of the CCC Submissions Panel.
Represented Mayor Lianne Dalziel at several events including the NZ Women’s Golf Open, and presented on disaster recovery at a conference in Seoul in Sept 2016.
CCC representative on the Kate Sheppard Memorial Trust working with other trustees to assess applications and appoint a winner of the KSMT award.
From 2000-2025 Ali has owned and operated Red PR (previously Ali Jones PR) working with a range of clients primarily in health, education and the performing arts. She has also worked extensively with people still managing their earthquake claims, relating to the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes, as a Claims Preparer.