Stratford’s leaks to be plugged
With water becoming increasingly scarce in the Stratford District, the Stratford District Council is offering a new and bold initiative.
Two local plumbing companies have been hired by the Council to fix any leaking taps in Stratford, Midhurst and Toko urban areas. Members of the public are now able to book the plumbers to come to their houses to address leaky taps, free of charge.
Services Asset Manager Mike Oien said “this initiative from the Council aims to stop water being wasted through leaking taps and pipes. It’s aimed at those annoying, dripping taps that leak away our precious resource. The plumbing service we’re offering is basic - no major renovations - but important. Our plumbers have been hired to offer a service that people might usually put off in favour of other expenses. Those leaky taps might be easy to ignore, but every drop is a tragic waste.”
Mike also hopes that this initiative will help members of the community become more aware of water conservation. “We have water restrictions currently in place, but continued dry weather may result in a total water ban like in South Taranaki, where residents are dealing with ongoing shortages.”
To aid awareness, a water conservation display has been set up at the Stratford District Library which shows ways to conserve water around the home, alongside a display of the rainfall in January 2008 compared to other years. Stratford enjoyed just 40mm of rain, which is 30% of the normal rainfall for January. Yet this seems like a lot compared to Rimunui, in South Taranaki, with just 13mm (17% of normal).
Mike said “we will be taking appointments for our plumbers over the phone for February 18 and 19. Should demand require it, we may also offer appointments on February 20. To make a booking, call (06) 765 6099.”