Marco School wins special Targa award

Monday 11 February 2008, 2:35PM

By Stratford District Council


Students from Marco
Students from Marco Credit: Stratford District Council
Mayor and Principal
Mayor and Principal Credit: Stratford District Council


Tiny Marco School in Whangamomona has a roll of just 10 students but enough spirit to make an entire community proud.

When the Dunlop TARGA Rally of NZ came through the Republic of Whangamomona late last year, they stopped for lunch. The 550 drivers and crew members were fed by the 10 students and their parents, a mammoth feat, as well as several students acting as border patrol to the Republic.

On Friday the Stratford District Mayor John Edwards made a special trip out to visit the students and parents of Marco School, to present them with the “Most Outstanding Lunch” award, which is presented to just one stop on the rally each year. This is the third year in a row that somewhere in Taranaki has received the award. Marco School also received a signed photo of the rally, from the winning drivers.

“This award is particularly special,” the Mayor told the students and parents, “because it represents the effort that Marco School puts in to community events - not just TARGA but all events - and you should all be proud of yourselves.”

The Mayor brought with him some snacks for afternoon tea. Students were asked to comment but could not be heard above the munching.

The TARGA Rally is expected to return to Taranaki in October 2008.
