Stratford needs you for Mayoral challenge

Monday 18 February 2008, 4:34PM

By Stratford District Council



Wanted: all Stratford cyclists! Whether you’re a seasoned handlebar hound or just a fair weather pedal pusher, Stratford needs you to help win the 2008 Mayoral Challenge.

Stratford is one of 39 cities and districts competing in the Bike Wise Mayoral Challenge, on 29 February 2008.

The Bike Wise Mayoral Challenge is a highlight of Bike Wise Week (23 February – 2 March), a nationwide campaign aimed at getting more Kiwis on their bikes.

Participating cities and towns from around the country compete against each other to get the most people ‘riding behind the mayor’. A point is awarded for each cyclist participating, with extra points awarded for celebrities, business leaders, councillors and journalists.

The Mayoral Challenge is in its third year and competition is heating up, with more towns and cities entering than ever before.

Last year 10,500 cyclists from 26 regions participated. The Cycle Mad City title was won by Wellington, with Mayor Kerry Prendergast leading nearly 1,800 cyclists in a ride around the bays. The Cycle Mad town award went to Selwyn District, where 678 riders took part.

Mike Curry of the Stratford District Council said, “it’s time for Stratford residents to get their bums onto bike seats and show the country we deserve the title.”

“This is our first year of entering the Mayoral Challenge and we want to show that Stratford is a biking force to be reckoned with.”

“The Challenge will be great fun for anyone turning up on two wheels. There will be other attractions on the day such as spot prizes, a bike valued at over $500 to be given away, and a barbecue at the end.”

Mayor John Edwards will lead the Challenge on a tandem bike from the War Memorial Centre car park at 4.30pm on Friday 29 February 2008. The ride will be about 3kms and will finish up at Victoria Park skate park, where local bike retailer O2 Project have organised a BMX competition and display.

The Mayoral Challenge is a great family event and participants can cycle along at their own or their children’s pace.

“This is a wonderful opportunity to get out and have fun cycling, so dig that bike and helmet out of the back of the shed or borrow one and come along,” Mike said.

“You’ll find cycling is a healthy, easy and enjoyable way to get from A to B. It’ll keep you fit and it’s easy on the environment.”

You can find more details about Stratford’s Mayoral Challenge and other Bike Wise Week events at