Don’t fear the referendum – understand child abuse and promote safe smacks

Tuesday 26 February 2008, 4:15PM

By Free Smack Coalition


Child advocacy groups who are beating themselves up over a petition signed by more than 310,000 New Zealanders do not need to fear the upcoming referendum at this year’s election, according to the Free Smack Coalition.

Child advocacy groups are alarmed at the prospect of an election year referendum that could lead to a change in the law. One of the two petitions questions is “ Should the Government give urgent priority to understanding and addressing the wider causes of family breakdown, family violence and child abuse in NZ”.

Obviously the Children’s Commissioner Dr.Cindy Kiro doesn`t think so. She is accusing petitioners of luring unsuspecting pro-smackers into signing the petition, while doing nothing about her responsibilities in understanding or addressing the wider cause of child abuse.

“The attacks are becoming bizarre and are reeking of paranoia in light of the successful petition,” says the Free Smack Coalition. “Dr. Kiro should just sign the petition and get on with doing her job of addressing real child abuse.

“She’s worried and also confused. She smacks of arrogance, incompetence and ignores good research on how to appropriately smack children.”

Dr. Kiro maintains that the anti-smacking legislation aims to reduce child abuse, yet Green MP Sue Bradford says her bill was never intended to ban child abuse.

“They can`t both be right.”

If the anti-petition backers truly cared about good parenting, they would, like all reputable national and international parents, acknowledge that we know more about parenting our own children than they do, and that will give them time to start concentrating on real child abuse.

Child advocacy groups are pushing a political agenda that has nothing to do with child abuse. They wanted a review of this law within two years – and instead of trying to shut down a debate that is not going their way they should be glad they are going to get an early Christmas present.”

“One thing is clear. Family values should start with families. They are too important to be left to panicking child advocates to define,” says the Free Smack Coalition.

“It’s time to move on and promote positive physical discipline along with a law change. There’s no reason why free smacks are incompatible with free hugs. If the Family Planning Association can promote safe sex why can’t the Children’s Commissioner promote safe smacks – it won’t hurt a bit.”