Mayoral challenge results

Tuesday 4 March 2008, 3:51PM

By Stratford District Council


Stratford District Mayor John Edwards, riding a tandem bike with John Woodward from the 02 Project
Stratford District Mayor John Edwards, riding a tandem bike with John Woodward from the 02 Project Credit: Stratford District Council
Bob Marsh with John Edwards. Bob’s wife Dawn won the bike pictured
Bob Marsh with John Edwards. Bob’s wife Dawn won the bike pictured Credit: Stratford District Council


The Bike Wise Mayoral Challenge is part of Bike Wise Week, a nationwide campaign aimed at getting more Kiwis on their bikes.

In South Taranaki, just 200 turned up to ride with their mayor, from a total population of 26,484, representing 0.75% of the population. In Stratford, 70 of 8,892 rode behind the mayor, 0.78% of the population.

It may be a small margin, but it’s still a win to Stratford.

However, with extra points awarded for celebrities, business leaders, councillors and journalists, the jury is still out on whose District really earned the most points. Stratford District Mayor John Edwards said, “I counted at least 4 councillors participating, which I hear is more than in South Taranaki, as well as lots of Council staff and their families. We had two journalists riding, the Venture Taranaki Chief Executive, and the head of the Taranaki cycling body. We had plenty of well-known Stratfordians there as well, but I think everyone participated deserves recognition for their efforts.”

Recognition at the completion of the ride came in the form of prizes, with everyone who competed being awarded a prize of some kind.

“We were lucky enough to have three bikes to give away, as well as heaps of other prizes. I was really pleased to be able to give something to everyone,” John said.

The ride was about 3kms and finished at Victoria Park skate park, where local bike retailer O2 Project organised a BMX competition and display.

Updates on other Bike Wise Week events are available at