Tot time takes off

Wednesday 9 April 2008, 4:00PM

By Stratford District Council



The Stratford District Library has been running Tot Times for 4 years, but the arrival of Mel Lane, Assistant Librarian, has given it a new lease of life.

Mel has been working until recently as a primary school teacher in Hawera, and came to the Stratford District Library looking to encourage young people to read. Tot Time is an initiative to encourage pre-school children to enjoy the Library, and through an appealing mix of stories, crazy actions, songs, and arts and crafts, Tot Time at the Library has become a weekly highlight for many children.

Tot Time is now venturing out to the community, with Mel keen to visit any child care facility. Her reception at the Stratford Community Childcare Centre says it all - the faces of the kids light up, asking what book she has brought with her and what songs they will sing today.

On the same day, the Stratford’s Central Kindergarten visited Mel at the Library with at least twenty under four-year-olds. Calmly wading through the little people to her seat at the front, Mel seems quite at home. “I enjoy Tot Time, and that’s key,” Mel says. “The children would know straight away if my heart wasn’t in it.”

Now that Tot Time is running both inside and outside the Library, Mel is even busier than usual with preparation work. “I’m really keen for the opportunity to take Tot Time out to the community and spread enjoyment of literacy. It’s great that kids are asking when I’ll come back, looking forward to their next book, and wanting more. It’s very rewarding, for both me and the kids.”

Tot Time runs at the Stratford District Library every Wednesday at 11.15am.