Nurturing gifted and talented children

Monday 14 April 2008, 4:39PM

By Chris Carter



A new publication to help parents and teachers identify and nurture gifted and talented children was launched at Northland School in Wellington today by Education Minister Chris Carter. 

Nurturing Gifted and Talented Children — A Parent-Teacher Partnership is an example of the Labour-led government’s commitment to provide guidance for parents and whanau to support the needs of gifted and talented children.

“We want all our young people to reach their full potential and the government is committed to ensuring this happens. Our gifted and talented children are found in all communities, in all parts of the country,” Chris Carter said.

“The government is committed to ensuring all our young people to reach their full potential,” Chris Carter said.

“Our gifted and talented children are found in all communities and in all parts of the country and we need to make sure they have the best educational opportunities possible.”

The book was developed through extensive consultation with parents, Maori and Pasifika communities and educators with input from the National Gifted Advisory Group and Ministry of Education.

“This is comprehensive resource answers many questions parents have about working with schools to nurture their gifted children, and emphasises strengthening the collaborative culture between schools, families and communities”, Mr Carter said.

Nurturing Gifted and Talented Children: A Parent–Teacher Partnership will be distributed to schools, early childhood education centres and libraries and is available on and