Last chance to have your say on draft annual plan

Wednesday 14 May 2008, 3:12PM

By Auckland City Council



Residents and ratepayers across Auckland are reminded to send in their feedback on the Auckland City Council draft annual plan before the submission period closes on Tuesday, 20 May.

Every year the council is required to produce an annual plan to communicate what it proposes to do and its priorities for spending over the next financial year.

Over one month, the public and stakeholders can send in their views on the proposed actions in order to inform the council's decision making for the final annual plan.

This year the key topics are:

the $400 million investment in capital projects the council is getting on with across the city
the proposal to keep the rates increase at 5.1 per cent next year
the deferment, change or cancellation of some projects
the price of water supply and wastewater services
Numbers of submissions are up this year, with 415 people sending in feedback so far. This is a 83 per cent rise on this time last year. 27 per cent of the submitters entered their feedback online.

People can submit their feedback quickly and easily online. They can also highlight any projects currently on the list to be deferred, changed or cancelled that they would like brought back into the council's plans. Returning more projects to the plan would lead to an increase in rates.

You can also submit feedback on the three options for keeping water price rises to the minimum level necessary to fund a first-class water and wastewater network.

A feedback form is inside the draft summary document delivered with City Scene on Sunday 20 April. A copy is also available by calling 09 379 2020.

You can view the full document online or at an Auckland city public library. The website also has a DVD illustrating the key points.

The council will consider feedback from residents, ratepayers and key business and community stakeholders before the budget and plans for the next 12 months are decided.

We encourage you to have a look at our plans and tell us what you think, because by working together we will see Auckland reach its full potential.