Youth week a success
The Stratford District Youth Council is sighing with relief: all their work leading up to and during Youth Week 2008 paid off.
Rather than their usual Youth Forums, the Youth Council this year decided to hold a series of fun events for young people.
Chairman Jayne Gulliver says “we wanted to hold some events that celebrated youth. We started with a Get On the Bus event, which took a busload of kids to Vertical Horizons. Then we helped with the opening of the Kidz Art Show at the Percy Thomson Gallery, and held a quiz night during the week. Then, we finished with a Hoodie Disco on the Friday.
It was exhausting but we received some good feedback.”
Some of the most glowing feedback was about the prizes at the quiz night. The teams of four earned sponsored prizes down to seventh place, with TVs, DVD players, a night at the Plymouth Hotel, small items of furniture and lots of other items up for grabs.
Jayne says “this is the first quiz night we’ve held, a once-off event. But after the prizes were given out, people were asking if the quiz night was a fortnightly or monthly affair!”
The wrap up party was themed around Hoodies, and held at the Stratford Rugby Club rooms. Over 80 young people attended, enjoying a professional DJ and free sausages on the night.
Overall, Youth Week 2008 in Stratford was a huge success, thanks to the hard work of the Stratford District Youth Council. The Youth Council is an events-based Council, with future projects detailed on