Shrub shout marks Arbour Day

Saturday 7 June 2008, 8:47AM

By Creo Communications


 University staff planting out the apuka (griselinia lucida) shrubs, which Natural Habitats� Brian Spencer says make a fantastic screen.
University staff planting out the apuka (griselinia lucida) shrubs, which Natural Habitats Brian Spencer says make a fantastic screen. Credit:
 University staff planting out the apuka (griselinia lucida) shrubs, which Natural Habitats� Brian Spencer says make a fantastic screen.
University staff planting out the apuka (griselinia lucida) shrubs, which Natural Habitats Brian Spencer says make a fantastic screen. Credit:

Leading landscape design and build company Natural Habitats celebrated Arbour Day the only way they know how: planting out some New Zealand natives.

Natural Habitats divisional manager Brian Spencer said the company was currently working with Massey University (Albany) on an upgrade of the Campus.

“Their Facilities Department wanted to celebrate Arbour Day, so shouting them some extra shrubs seemed the obvious way to mark both Arbour Day and World Environment Day.

Mr Spencer said Arbour Day is a reminder to New Zealanders that we can all play a part in protecting our native forests and wildlife in this country.

To find out more about Natural Habitats visit