Kerikeri Domain: were focused on the future, says Jurisich

Far North District Council

Monday 16 June 2008, 3:46PM

By Far North District Council



The Kerikeri Domain Action Group will be disbanded to make way for a new community trust currently being formed to progress the development of the central green space.

Founding member Peter Jurisich, now representing service clubs and business groups on the soon-to-be-formalised trust, says the action group has done its job and now it’s time to “move on”.

“I’m happy with the progress being made under the stewardship of Far North Mayor Wayne Brown and the new council,” he said. “It’s the right time to let go of the past and focus on the future. I think the new trust is a very positive development and I am looking forward to getting on with the job and making some real progress in terms of getting the domain better utilised for everyone in our community.”

Mr Jurisich said the action group’s commitment to developing the domain as directed by the community remained central to the future use of the area, meaning that the perimeter of the domain would be beautified and the green space would remain intact.

“Those of us on the group wish to thank sincerely all those people who stayed with us during a long campaign,” he said. The many surveys completed during that time conveyed to us the passion that the community has for its domain to remain a central green space for all uses, including sports and recreation, town events and practise grounds for schoolchildren.”

Mayor Brown said he was encouraged that sensible progress was now being made on the controversial domain redevelopment. “Skilled and dedicated people have been approached and volunteered to work on the project and I am confident they will represent their community well,” he said.

“The trust comprises representatives from local schools, iwi, junior and senior sports groups, business, service clubs and other professional groups, the Kerikeri Rugby Football Club, the council and the wider community.”

Representatives who have agreed to get the new group underway are:-

Grant Connon (schools and young peoples’ sports), Wiki Bacon (local iwi, junior sports, Maori children), Brent Hewitt (rugby club), Noeline Starr (minor sports and events), Peter Jurisich (service clubs and business groups), Mark Turner (Department of Conservation, landscaping), Mayor Wayne Brown.

Meanwhile, the Kerikeri Rugby Football Club’s lease of the domain has been renewed for two years to provide time to work through issues associated with its proposed relocation to new sportsfields at Waipapa Road.