Former Hawke's Bay DHB member vindicated by SFO, but concerned at waste of public time and money

Tuesday 15 July 2008, 11:50AM

By Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry



Former Hawke’s Bay District Health Board member Peter Hausmann welcomes the Serious Fraud Office's vindication of his actions, but says he is deeply disappointed that valuable police and Serious Fraud Office time has been wasted.

The Serious Fraud Office has confirmed that inquiries over the past two months have found no evidence to support claims that Mr Hausmann acted illegally during his time on the board.

The claims were initially lodged with police by two former board members and referred on to the SFO.

In a statement released today, the SFO says “there is no basis for launching an investigation and the SFO file will be closed”.

Mr Hausmann says the decision vindicating him comes as little surprise.

“For over a year I have been the target of almost continual attacks using a combination of false claims, innuendo and deeply damaging misreporting.”

“However, three reviews – one by the Auditor General, one by the Director-General of Health and now one by the Serious Fraud Office – have found I acted both ethically and legally in my dealings on the Hawke's Bay District Health Board.”

“I have always said I acted with integrity and honesty.”

“My concern has always been to ensure the most effective health service possible for Hawke’s Bay and - like me - the public must be growing very weary of this relentless campaign. Hopefully, the ratepayers of Hawke's Bay and the taxpayers of New Zealand will begin to question the amount of money being spent on their behalf in these matters.”