Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

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Joined August 2007
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Agriculture 8 Aug 2012
Have your say on proposed NAIT rules

New proposed regulations governing the National Identification and Tracing (NAIT) scheme are provided in a Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) discussion paper that went out for public consultation today.


Food 27 May 2011
MAF to defend Import Health Standards for pork imports

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) will be defending in court its decision to allow the importation of fresh uncooked pork from Canada, the EU, Mexico and the USA.


Agriculture 27 May 2011
1 November Mandatory Cattle Tagging Deferred

NAIT Limited and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) today announced mandatory implementation of the national animal identification and tracing (NAIT) scheme will be deferred to next year.


Agriculture 16 May 2011
NAWAC Annual Report Released

The National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) issued its 2010 Annual Report today.


Court 20 Apr 2011
Disqualification from owning dogs on welfare grounds

WHANGAREI — A Northland dog owner has been convicted of failing to meet the basic needs of animals under the Animal Welfare Act 1999.


Agriculture 13 Apr 2011
Pork Import Health Standards effectively manage risk

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) today issued updates to four Import Heath Standards for pig meat, pig meat products and by-products from Canada, the EU, Mexico and the USA.


Agriculture 9 Nov 2010
MAF confirms positive test for kiwifruit vine bacteria Psa

BAY OF PLENTY — MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAF) has tonight received the results of sequence testing of bacteria isolates which confirms that Pseudomonas syringae pv.


Environment 8 Nov 2010
Suspected Bacterial Vine Infection

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) is investigating a report of symptoms of disease on kiwifruit vines on a North Island kiwifruit orchard.  A preliminary test has suggested that a strain of the bacterial kiwifruit vine disease, Pseudomonas syringae pv actinidiae (Psa), may be present on some vines on the orchard.


Agriculture 5 Nov 2010
Farmers forecast ups and downs for primary sectors

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s annual Farm Monitoring Overview, which was released today, shows the fluctuating fortunes of the various pastoral and horticultural sectors is likely to continue into 2010/11.


Agriculture 28 Sep 2010
Disqualification Order Enforced by MAF

COROMANDEL — A Coromandel farm owner and property developer, and his farm worker, have been convicted of deliberately breaching a Court imposed Disqualification Order under the Animal Welfare Act 1999.


Food 28 Sep 2010
Feedback sought on draft code of welfare for broiler chickens

The National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) has completed a review of the 2003 code of welfare for broiler (meat) chickens and a draft code has been released today for public consultation.


Environment 19 Aug 2010
On the hunt for bat-wing passion flower

NORTHLAND — MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ), in partnership with Northland Regional Council, Auckland Regional Council and the Department of Conservation, are requesting help to find the whereabouts of the invasive plant bat-wing passion flower.


Agriculture 16 Aug 2010
Improved profitability leaves dairy farmers positive but cautious

Dairy farm profitability improved strongly in 2009/10 compared to 2008/09, with the outlook for 2010/11 also positive, but farmer confidence is still fragile according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's (MAF) latest farm monitoring reports.


Agriculture 3 Aug 2010
Sheep and beef farm profits fall; farmers expect more of the same

Sheep and beef farmer profits have fallen in 2009/10, despite a record lambing percentage in spring 2009, a MAF report shows.


Food 23 Jul 2010
The Māori food sector is on the menu

Representatives from government, Māori business, research and academic communities will gather this month to discuss the Māori food sector.


Crime 14 May 2010
Detector dog discovers smuggled tiger penis

AUCKLAND — A Cambodian woman arriving at Auckland Airport from Singapore on Saturday 8 May was found smuggling what is suspected to be a tiger pizzle (penis) and a tiger gallbladder.


Court 22 Apr 2010
Livestock Manager charged with ill-treatment of sheep

GISBORNE — Stock agent and trader Neville Clark was today sentenced in the Gisborne District Court for ill-treating sheep in his ownership and care.


Agriculture 22 Apr 2010
Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak in Japan

On Tuesday 20th of April 2010 the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, notified the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) of an outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in Miyazaki, western Japan.


Agriculture 10 Mar 2010
A reminder of rules for the use of leg-hold traps

To many trappers, leg-hold traps are an essential tool for pest management.


Environment 30 Nov 2009
Arabidopsis plants

CANTERBURY — MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) is investigating a possible breach of containment, reported by Plant & Food Research, around a containment glasshouse located on the Plant & Food Research campus at Lincoln.


Agriculture 28 Oct 2009
Atypical scrapie/Nor 98 detection in single sheep from the national flock

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) and the New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) today confirmed that a series of New Zealand and European laboratory tests on a single New Zealand sheep brain have detected the condition atypical scrapie (also known as Nor 98).


Agriculture 9 Oct 2009
MAF inspections of Crafar farms complete

Inspections by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) of all 22 Crafar-owned properties have concluded, MAF Director-General Murray Sherwin announced today.


Forestry 30 Sep 2009
Sustainable forestry bulletin; Amended ETS Bill details announced

On September 24 the Government tabled legislation to amend the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).


Employment 9 Sep 2009
MAF review of border operations retains regional staff

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) announced today the outcome of the review of its operations at the border.


Forestry 6 Aug 2009
SILNA discussion document released by MAF

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) has released a discussion document titled SILNA Forests: Review of the 2002 Policy and the Implementation Package.  MAF Natural Resources Director Mike Jebson says the document provides information on the South Island Landless Natives Act 1906 (SILNA) forests policy and its implementation to date, and seeks SILNA forest owner and key stakeholder views on how the current policy has operated and a future approach.


Environment 5 Aug 2009
MAF assists with North Shore beach dog death investigations

NORTH SHORE CITY — MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) is helping Auckland authorities to determine the cause of dog illness and death following visits to the city’s North Shore beaches.


Wine 29 Jul 2009
Bulk wine exports a concerning feature of 2009

An annual MAF report on the primary sectors says the marked increase in the proportion of wine exported in bulk is lowering overall demand for New Zealand bottled wine.


Business 28 Jul 2009
Primary sectors ride out recession: MAF report

New Zealand’s primary sectors have ridden out the global recession remarkably well, according to the annual Situation and Outlook for New Zealand Agriculture and Forestry (SONZAF), launched in Wellington today.


Building 24 Jul 2009
Timber is tops for environmentally friendly buildings

Increasing the amount of timber used in large-scale commercial buildings can decrease some environmental impacts of the building, according to a Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry study.


Migration 8 Jul 2009
MAF reviews border operations

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) is reviewing its operations at the border in the light of a significant drop in trade and passenger volumes in the current worldwide economic downturn.


Agriculture 7 Jul 2009
MAF considers bee imports report

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) has received and is giving careful consideration to an independent panel report on the requirements governing future imports of bee products from Australia.


Conservation 2 Jul 2009
Eradication of southern saltmarsh mosquito a significant step closer

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) says an important milestone has been reached in the programme to rid New Zealand of the southern saltmarsh mosquito with the completion this week of aerial treatments in the Wairau area in Marlborough.


Agriculture 24 Jun 2009
Meat sector looks to a brighter future

Agriculture Minister David Carter has told an audience of meat sector representatives that industry players and farmers need to work together to improve the sector.


Conservation 19 Jun 2009
Government agencies approve reopening of Zion Wildlife Gardens

WHANGAREI — The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) and the Department of Labour have today given Whangarei’s Zion Wildlife Gardens approval to reopen to the public.


Court 11 Jun 2009
Stock drivers angry outburst ends in Court

WAIPUKURAU — A Waipukarau truck driver pleaded guilty and was sentenced in the Hastings District Court today for the ill treatment of a lamb in his care.


Conservation 30 May 2009
Statement  Zion Wildlife Gardens

WHANGAREI — The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) has today enacted powers under the Biosecurity Act 1993 and temporarily closed the Zion Wildlife Gardens near Whangarei to the public in the wake of this week’s death of a keeper at the park.


Environment 24 Apr 2009
MAF Biosecurity New Zealand declares Red Imported Fire Ants eradicated from Whirinaki

Following an intensive three year surveillance programme MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) has declared the successful eradication of the Red Imported Fire Ant from the Whirinaki area, effective 4pm Wednesday 22 April 2009.


Conservation 24 Apr 2009
Public meeting for kauri dieback biosecurity

HAMILTON — The serious threat of kauri dieback to native kauri forests in the Waikato will be the focus of a public meeting on Thursday 30 April in Hamilton.


Agriculture 26 Mar 2009
Live sheep trade revival unlikely, says SPCA, after talks with minister

The Royal New Zealand SPCA does not expect a resumption of live sheep shipments to the Middle East, following talks, yesterday, between the Society and Agriculture Minster, David Carter.


Environment 12 Mar 2009
Measures put in place in response to field trial at Plant & Food Research Lincoln

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) has evaluated non-compliance with controls at Plant & Food Research - the Lincoln-based crown research institute containment facility where genetically modified (GM) brassica plants had been growing as part of an approved field trial.


Science 11 Feb 2009
MAFBNZ takes action regarding GM brassica trial

CANTERBURY —   MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) has completed their review of the Plant & Food Research internal report into a reported breach of containment facility requirements at Plant & Food Research – the Lincoln based crown research institute containment facility where GM brassica plants had been growing as part of an approved field trial.


Horse Racing 24 Dec 2008
MAF eases restrictions for the importation of horses from Australia

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) has today issued a provisional import health standard (IHS) for the importation of horses from Australia, removing the existing import requirements for equine influenza.


Agriculture 17 Dec 2008
MAF report shows farmers likely to face challenging year ahead

Farmers recovering from drought are likely to have a challenging year due to rising costs coupled with economic uncertainty, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s latest report.


Conservation 14 Dec 2008
MAFBNZ to use fish to eradicate invasive aquatic weed from lakes

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) is releasing 3000 grass carp into Lakes Tutira, Waikopiro, and Opouahi today as part of its programme to eradicate the invasive aquatic weed hydrilla from the lakes.


Building 10 Dec 2008
NMIT awarded government funding for sustainable building project

Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology has scooped a $1 million funding award for sustainable buildings from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.


Export 8 Dec 2008
New Zealand tomatoes and capsicums on the menu again in Australia

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) have received advice from Biosecurity Australia that they have revised their emergency measures which will allow the importation of tomato and capsicum fruit from New Zealand.


Agriculture 12 Nov 2008
$11.75m for Rural Projects - MAF's Sustainable Farming Fund Opens

On Friday 14 November, the new funding round for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestrys (MAFs) Sustainable Farming Fund (SFF) opens.


Court 4 Nov 2008
Company and director prosecuted for cutting down native trees

TAUMARUNUI — MAF has successfully prosecuted a Northland milling company and its director for contravening an approval to harvest and mill native timber for personal use.


Environment 1 Nov 2008
MAF grants $1.4m for erosion protection and research

WELLINGTON CITY — The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) has allocated two more erosion treatment projects a total of $1.4 million under its Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Hill Country Erosion Fund.


Flowers 31 Oct 2008
Trade in cut flowers and foliage to USA resumes

New Zealand cut flower and foliage growers, who export product to the USA, are about to receive an early Christmas present.


Internet 8 Oct 2008
New Biosecurity Website

The MAF Biosecurity New Zealand website has been completely redesigned, and as a subscriber to one of our mailing lists, we thought you would be interested in learning more about some of the new features on our site.


Forestry 7 Oct 2008
Increasing wood availability and potential for East Coast forestry industry

GISBORNE — The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) today released the East Coast Forest Industry and Wood Availability Forecasts report which indicates a steady increase in wood availability for the region over the next 12 years; and potential for significantly greater increase through a 25 year period.


Agriculture 6 Oct 2008
NZ growers show resilience despite economic challenges

New Zealand growers are showing their resilience and flexibility despite changing economic conditions, says a report launched by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) today.


Forestry 25 Sep 2008
MAF grants $0.93m for new forests; calls for further applications

The Afforestation Grant Scheme’s (AGS) first public tender round has granted nine recipients a total $927,000 to plant new forests; and further applications are being called for, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) announced today.


Agriculture 24 Sep 2008
MAF Biosecurity to revoke varroa movement controls

CANTERBURY — MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) will revoke all movement controls associated with varroa bee mite, effective from 25 September 2008.


Environment 18 Sep 2008
Confirmation of further finds of varroa in Canterbury

CANTERBURY — MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) investigations after last week’s find of varroa bee mite outside of the current South Island Controlled Area have confirmed further reports in North Canterbury.


Health 18 Sep 2008
Low pathogenic virus no cause for concern

A surveillance programme researching the presence of avian influenza in New Zealand has found low pathogenic (LPAI) H5N1 virus in two samples taken from mallard ducks.


Forestry 17 Sep 2008
Increased opportunities for Hawkes Bay forest industry

HAWKE'S BAY — The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) today released its Hawkes Bay Forest Industry and Wood Availability Forecasts Report that indicates an increase in wood availability in the region after 2016 and increased opportunities for the sector.


Environment 11 Sep 2008
Cross-sector collaboration at carbon footprinting workshop

WELLINGTON — More than 100 participants from government, industry and research institutes from around New Zealand attended a first of its kind workshop in Wellington this week to learn, share and look into strategies on greenhouse gas (GHG) footprinting.


Agriculture 3 Sep 2008
Cadmium Working Group releases full report

A working group formed to assess the risks of cadmium in New Zealand agriculture today released its full report into the risks and issues associated with cadmium accumulation, following the release of preliminary findings in December.


News 26 Aug 2008
NAWAC Annual Report Released

The National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) issued its 2007 Annual Report today.


Water 25 Aug 2008
MAF grants $0.39m for community irrigation and water storage

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) today announced seven successful grant recipients under its first funding round of the Community Irrigation Fund (CIF) which provides support to promoters of community irrigation and water storage schemes.


Agriculture 5 Aug 2008
Strong dairy sector underpins agricultures economic importance

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) is predicting the strength of the dairy sector will reinforce agriculture’s cornerstone position in the New Zealand economy over the next five years.


Politics 5 Aug 2008
Appointment of Deputy Director-General, MAF policy

The Director-General of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), Murray Sherwin announced the appointment of Paul Stocks as Deputy Director-General, MAF Policy earlier today.


Agriculture 5 Aug 2008
NZ primary sector forecasts encouraging

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) is forecasting solid growth for the primary sector over the next five years despite the tougher immediate economic outlook both internationally and locally.


Agriculture 1 Aug 2008
New South Island Controlled Area for varroa bee mite

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) has established a new South Island Controlled Area for the varroa bee mite.


Health 15 Jul 2008
Former Hawke's Bay DHB member vindicated by SFO, but concerned at waste of public time and money

HAWKE'S BAY — Former Hawkes Bay District Health Board member Peter Hausmann welcomes the Serious Fraud Office's vindication of his actions, but says he is deeply disappointed that valuable police and Serious Fraud Office time has been wasted.


Agriculture 15 Jul 2008
2007 National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee (NAEAC) Annual Report Released

The National Ethics Advisory Committee (NAEAC) Annual Report was released today.


Conservation 2 Jul 2008
Concealed fighting fish seized at border

The interception of six live Siamese fighting fish in a parcel at the International Mail Centre in Auckland highlights an on-going problem, says MAF Biosecurity New Zealand.


Food 1 Jul 2008
Laboratory receives award for seafood toxin test that provides an alternative to animal testing

Four members of AgResearch’s Biomembrane Laboratory have been selected as the recipients of the 2008 National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee (NAEAC) Three Rs Award.


Conservation 5 Jun 2008
MAFBNZ to discontinue funding national Dutch Elm Disease programme

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) will discontinue funding national management of the Dutch Elm Disease programme.


Agriculture 4 Jun 2008
New bacterium affects fresh tomatoes and capsicums

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) has today withdrawn phytosanitary certification for New Zealand fresh tomato and capsicum export produce until further notice, following the confirmation of a new disease-causing bacterium in three commercial hot-house operations in the North Island.


Court 29 May 2008
Deer Agent fined for illegal develveting

WELLINGTON — The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) welcomes todays conviction’s of Noel Cudby in the Wellington District Court for the de-velveting of deer without adequate pain relief and the required approvals.


Marine 28 May 2008
MAF Biosecurity New Zealand acts on marine pest find in Lyttelton Port

LYTTELTON — MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) is responding to the detection of a new and unwanted marine species in Lyttelton Port.

The newly identified species, the Mediterranean fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii), was found as part of MAFBNZ�s routine targeted surveillance programme


Agriculture 27 May 2008
A changing climate is not all bad for agriculture

A new report released by MAF shows that not all of the effects of climate change are bad for the agricultural sectors.


Agriculture 26 May 2008
Review finds stocking densities in broiler sheds on a par with world best practice

The National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) has completed a review into the minimum standard that relates to maximum stocking densities in the 2003 Broiler Code of Welfare and has concluded that a change to the minimum standard is not required at this time.


Energy 23 May 2008
Increased supply forecast for the countrys wood basket

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) has just released new wood availability forecasts for the Central North Island that indicate a steady increase in supply for the region over the next 12 years.


Agriculture 13 May 2008
New South Island Controlled Area for varroa bee mite

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) has established a new South Island Controlled Area to protect beekeeping operations in the West Coast, Canterbury and areas further south, from varroa which was found at St Arnaud, outside the previous South Island Controlled Area, three weeks’ ago.


Forestry 6 May 2008
Consultation open on exposure draft of forestry regulations under New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is seeking comments on an exposure draft of the regulations for the forestry sector under the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZETS).


Agriculture 1 May 2008
Varroa bee mite found outside South Island Controlled Area

Varroa bee mite has been found at several apiary sites near St Arnaud, just outside the Nelson-Marlborough Varroa Controlled Area boundary, MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) said today.

Varroa Bee Mite


Court 18 Apr 2008
Illegal seed importer fined

TAURANGA — The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) is pleased with the conviction handed down today in the Tauranga District Court to a Katikati company for the illegal importation of sowing seeds.


Horse Racing 17 Apr 2008
Horse imports from Australia resume

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) has today issued an Import Health Standard for horses from Australia, lifting the suspension on imports that has been in place since August last year.


News 7 Apr 2008
Karaka horses given the all clear

AUCKLAND — A second round of testing has confirmed that ten horses in the Karaka quarantine facility are free from equine influenza.


News 4 Apr 2008
Conflicting results thought to be linked to laboratory

AUCKLAND — MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) announced this afternoon that it is retesting samples taken from horses imported directly from the United States to the Karaka quarantine facility due to conflicting test results.


Agriculture 20 Mar 2008
National Drought Committee Applauds Farmers Proactive Approach to Drought Management

The National Drought Committee is acknowledging the proactive way that farmers are responding to ongoing drought conditions and encouraging them to keep up the good work.


Environment 14 Mar 2008
Good progress on biosecurity mussel dredging in Tasman Bay

TASMAN — The MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) dredging of the Tasman Bay site where an oil rig was cleaned late last year is progressing well.


News 13 Mar 2008
Hunting stock bolsters biosecurity beagles

Biosecurity officials are celebrating the arrival of the first beagle puppies specially bred to protect New Zealand’s international borders.


Environment 28 Feb 2008
MAF Biosecurity New Zealand holds meeting to discuss methyl bromide alternatives

Twenty eight possible alternatives to the ozone depleting gas methyl bromide came under scrutiny yesterday when over 90 government and industry representatives met in Wellington to review the alternatives to methyl bromide use at our borders.


Environment 28 Feb 2008
MAF Biosecurity Blunders

Federated Farmers says blunders by MAF Biosecurity are threatening New Zealand’s primary sector and the environment.


Environment 27 Feb 2008
Research contract step forward in fight against climate change

Two new academic positions focused on exploring the uses of fine charcoal known as “bio-char” in the fight against greenhouse gases and climate change have been formally established, with the signing of a contract between the Massey University and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF).


Environment 25 Feb 2008
MAF works with nursery industry to limit pest weed spread

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s biosecurity arm, MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) is today working in close co-operation with the nursery and gardening industry to limit the distribution of suspected pest weeds through contaminated imported coconut fibre.


Forestry 18 Feb 2008
New wood availability forecasts for the East Coast confirm increasing wood flows

ROTORUA — New wood availability forecasts for the East Coast compiled by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will assist with future regional planning for the forest industry and provide infrastructure agencies with credible data for future planning, says John Vaney, Regional Team Leader with MAF Policy in Rotorua.


Environment 17 Feb 2008
MAF Claims Rabbits 'Part of PR Stunt' in GE TreesTrial Breach

Many of GE Free (NZ) concerns about facility inspection have been backed up in the MAF report on the Scion GE Tree biosecurity breach, made public this week.


Forestry 14 Feb 2008
New wood availability forecasts for the Hawke’s Bay will inform regional planning

HAWKE'S BAY — New wood availability forecasts for the Hawke’s Bay compiled by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) will assist with future regional planning for the forest industry and provide infrastructure agencies with credible data for future planning, says John Vaney, Regional Team Leader with MAF Policy in Rotorua.


Environment 21 Dec 2007
Vaccine approval contributes to equine influenza response preparedness

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) has welcomed ERMA’s approval of the Flu Avert® I.N vaccine for emergency use, should New Zealand ever face an equine influenza outbreak.


Agriculture 19 Dec 2007
Farmers urged to plan for ongoing dry conditions

The rain in the last few days is only breathing space.


Environment 11 Dec 2007
Didymo confirmed in upper Rangitata River and Rakaia River

CANTERBURY — The invasive alga didymo has been detected at two sites upstream of the Rangitata Diversion Race (RDR) intake on the Rangitata River.


Agriculture 7 Dec 2007
Challenging year for pastoral sectors

Following a tough year for the pastoral sector, financial prospects for dairy and deer farmers are looking good for 2007/08, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s (MAF) new annual Pastoral Monitoring Report.


Environment 6 Dec 2007
Didymo found in Rangitata Diversion Race

CANTERBURY — The invasive algae didymo has today been confirmed in the Rangitata Diversion Race, MAF Biosecurity New Zealand announced today.


Agriculture 5 Dec 2007
Appeal Court decision on honey from Australia

Appeal Court decision to uphold an appeal by New Zealand beekeepers regarding an import health standard covering honey from Australia.