Review of Rural Land Use to Begin

Monday 28 July 2008, 7:46PM

By New Plymouth District Council



The subdivision and use of rural land in New Plymouth District is about to be examined.

New Plymouth District Council intends to review its District Plan provisions that affect how the rural environment is used. The review would consider the effect of different activities in the rural environment including residential and other uses.

Tonight (Monday) the Youth Subcommittee heard that the review would be part of the council’s ongoing monitoring and review programme to ensure the District Plan is effective.

The subcommittee received the report, which will be considered by the council’s Policy Committee on 9 August.

The initial stage of the review involves the development of a discussion document, and Acting Manager Environmental Strategy and Policy Mitchell Dyer says public consultation on the discussion document should begin in early 2009.

“The first step is to look in detail at the use of the rural areas and the effects of these uses, particularly on the landscape and rural character,” says Mr Dyer.

“We will then develop a discussion document that considers the issues and options we could consider.

“From early 2009 we’ll seek feedback from the general public on the discussion document. Subsequently, if any changes are proposed to the District Plan notification of the plan change is anticipated to be from around June next year.”

Issues regarding rural land use were raised by the public during the development of the Community Plan 2006-2016 as well as the Coastal Strategy.

Initial monitoring of subdivision and building consents in the rural area has shown that half of all rural development is within 10km of New Plymouth city’s boundary. A quarter is within 3km of the district’s coastline, with up to three-quarters of all coastal development within 10km of New Plymouth (between Oakura’s Weld Rd and Waitara).

In 2007, 130 building consents were granted for new dwellings in New Plymouth District’s rural area. The number of rural building consents has gradually increased over the last decade.

As part of its District Plan monitoring and review programme, the council has commissioned a review of the changes that have occurred in rural landscape character during the previous decade. The results of this assessment will be considered in the rural review process.

In March this year NPDC adopted the Framework for Growth, which will manage residential and industrial growth in the district’s urban areas during the next 20 years.