Forecast good news for Waikato region, but worries not over

Monday 18 August 2008, 11:02AM

By Waikato Regional Council



There is good news for the rain-soaked Waikato region this week, with finer weather forecast over the next few days – but the worries are not over yet, Environment Waikato says.

Waikato rivers remain high, catchments are saturated and there could be more significant rain on the way.

“There may be more showers this weekend, but at this point we’re not certain how heavy they will be,” Environment Waikato emergency management officer Greg Ryan said.

“The finer weather forecast will provide a much needed opportunity for rivers to drain, but people can expect river levels to remain high for some days yet.”

Lake Taupo’s water level is at the higher end of its normal operating range and could continue to creep up over the next few days. However it is not expected to climb above its maximum control level.

Further downstream in Hamilton there is good news for river front residents, where the Waikato River level is receding. Although the river is still 1-2m above its normal level, it has fallen from 15.9m on Saturday to 15.2m this morning.

Waikato River levels remain high – and will stay that way for several days – in north Waikato areas including Mercer, where Environment Waikato staff continue to carry out stop bank and flood pump inspections.

Environment Waikato will continue to keep a close watch on rainfall and river levels this week.