TEC Board Appointments

Pete Hodgson

Wednesday 20 August 2008, 10:32PM

By Pete Hodgson


Tertiary Education Minister Pete Hodgson has appointed Deirdre Dale as a Commissioner of the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC). He also announced the reappointment of Dr Bill Rosenberg who has been a Commissioner of the TEC since 26 May 2006. 

Deirdre Dale will fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Brian Rhoades. Her term of appointment commences on September 1, and is for a period of two years.

“Deirdre is a highly capable individual who has had extensive experience in tertiary education. She was the chief executive of Whitireia Community Polytechnic for ten years and also served as president of the polytechnics representation body, ITPNZ,” Mr Hodgson said.

Mr Hodgson also reappointed Dr Bill Rosenberg for a term of three years. “Bill has made a strong contribution to the TEC board over the past two years and I look forward to him adding further value for the next three,” said Mr Hodgson.

“A Commissioner of the TEC must have leadership experience, experience of government, a passion for tertiary education and the capacity to learn the subtleties of the policy. Deidre’s and Bill’s backgrounds equip them well for this job.”

Pete Hodgson also extended his thanks to Brian Rhoades for his services as Commissioner.

“Brian has made an excellent contribution to the tertiary education system as a Commissioner over the last two years.”