Unregistered unwarranted car involved in fatal Waikato crash

New Zealand Police

Wednesday 1 October 2008, 8:52AM

By New Zealand Police



A car involved in a fatal crash in Te Awamutu overnight should not have even been on the road.

One man is dead and another critically injured following the crash which happened on Station Rd about 7pm.

Waikato Serious Crash Unit investigators were at the scene last night and initial indications are the crash occurred when the Mazda three failed to take a slight bend, crossed the centre line and crashed through a solid wooden barrier.

The car came to a stop against a concrete power-pole used to supply electricity to the main trunk railway line

With neither occupant of the vehicle wearing seatbelts both were thrown from their seats making the job of identifying who was driving the car difficult for Police.

The injured man is currently listed as in a stable but critical condition in Waikato Hospital's Intensive Care Unit.

The car involved in the crash was not registered and had no warrant of fitness.

Police are continuing to speak to witnesses today.

The main trunk railway line was closed and power switched off to allow emergency services to deal with the crash and recover the vehicle. Power was restored about 10pm.

The identity of the 23-year-old Te Awamutu man killed in the crash is expected to be released later today.