Emergency Spills get Easier for Fire Service

New Plymouth District Council

Wednesday 1 October 2008, 1:22PM

By New Plymouth District Council



The Fire Service has received a helping hand for stopping spills from reaching the district’s waterways.

Tomorrow New Plymouth District Council will hand over three environmental spill kits for use by the New Plymouth Fire Brigade.

Deputy Chief Fire Officer John Nicholls says the new kits will mean less pollution after an emergency.

“Currently when there’s a spill we use an absorbent material, or block the spill as much as possible then get the local authority to come out and remove the liquid,” says Deputy Chief Fire Officer John Nicholls.

“These spill kits can be used in a variety of ways and will be more effective in containing any spills and also protecting the environment.”

NPDC Manager Water and Wastes Brent Manning says it is easier to stop spills reaching the stormwater system than clearing up the mess once it has entered streams or the sea.

“We have those little metal fish cemented next to the roadside drain grates to remind people that all stormwater flows to the sea; so the fewer spills of petrochemicals and other substances we get into the stormwater system, the better off the environment will be,” says Mr Manning.

“The Fire Service does a great job at emergencies and we expect these spill kits will make this part of the job easier for them.”