Catchin' up at Taupo Moto Cross
Only two days till I head home to New Zealand! I can’t wait. It seems like ages since I was back home on the farm… While home I’ll race the Taupo extravaganza Moto Cross which should be a cool event. Check out the schedule on their website:
Two years ago when I attended they had over ten thousand spectators so I hope it goes off well again. Mackenzie, Hurley, Brown and Swanepoel are just a few of the top names so it really will be great racing. Before I talk too much about home though let me give you a run down of the past month or so:
Well naturally I’m happy the season is over as it was a tough year for me! But since the season ended I’ve done a few races like Weston beach race and Mettet super motard. Weston didn’t go too well - I had fun but ended with a DNF after a few crashes and some bike damage and well not really getting the race planned out as well as I had hoped. It was a three hour race and I tried to do it with a big tank and one stop but I didn’t use a camel back - big mistake with no fluids I was done after 90 mins! Mettet was better. I seem to be doing better every year on the super motard bike. I enjoy the races but the practice and hot laps are a bit boring..
In between these races I was in Italy to test my 09 race bike and I’m happy to say that it is awesome! I’ll test again in November when I return to Europe. While in Italy I rode at three tracks and after three days in a row I was buggered and ready to head home. On the fun side of things I’ve been doing some trials but to be honest not a lot of training! This Friday Lisa and I have a wedding to go to in Wales. It’s an old racing buddy of mine, Justin Morris, I went to his stag party too, which was in Edinburgh Scotland - What a great city! We had a blast.
Well that’s it for now. I’ll check in after I’ve been to New Zealand. I’m only there for two weeks - it really is a quick trip this time.