Alternate footbridge options under study

Far North District Council

Thursday 6 November 2008, 5:41PM

By Far North District Council



Five possible options have been isolated for a new pedestrian bridge to span the Kerikeri River in the Stone Store Basin.


The new options which encompass alternate design and construction methods are now being assessed in consultation with key stakeholders.


The move follows a decision to abandon the original pedestrian bridge concept when construction costs substantially exceeded the funds available in the Kerikeri Heritage Bypass Project budget.


Far North District Council project manager Richard Green said today the alternatives suggested by independent suppliers covered a range of construction options including the use of fiberglass, wood, and steel as opposed to the original concrete bridge concept.


"An initial assessment has been completed and the costs of all alternatives look likely to fall within current budget parameters. However the new proposals are a departure from the original design approved by the principal stakeholders.


"This means there needs to be ongoing discussions with the NZ Historic Places Trust and Department of Conservation as property owners to reach agreement on the suggested changes to construction materials and methodology," he said.


As soon as a preferred option had been agreed, new consent and tender processes would be initiated.


"All parties are very conscious of the need to establish a new pedestrian access across the river as quickly as possible. However this is one of New Zealand's most significant heritage precincts and it is vital that we take the time to get it right," he said.


In the meantime the principal contractor HEB Construction Ltd this week started work on the final stages of the old bridge removal. The work will include the removal of the concrete abutments on the approaches to the old bridge, some contouring and landscaping work on the former bridge approaches and final finishing work on the removal of the former bridge piers within the river. At the same time work will be carried out to create an informal adventure ford at the old bridge site.