SAR Operation seeking motorists in Tasman
Just after midnight on Saturday 7th February 2009, early Sunday morning, the Nelson Police received a report from a motorist that he towed a reddish station wagon containing 5 young men to the top of the Whangamoa's, (SH 6) after their vehicle broke down.
From the summit their intentions were to coast down to the bottom before the tow continued to Nelson. Despite having their tow rope, the motorist failed to see the vehicle again.
Concerned that the vehicle may have crashed whilst travelling down the Whangamoa's the Nelson Police, Fire Brigade and Nelson Search and Rescue along with the Nelson- Marlborough Rescue Helicopter conducted a road side search overnight without success.
It is intended to search again in daylight. It is hoped that should the vehicle have continued on to Nelson then one of the occupants would confirm that fact to the Nelson Police.
M P Fitzsimmons
SAR Sergeant