Turia supports call for more focussed approach to anti-violence programmes

Tariana Turia

Thursday 19 February 2009, 1:57PM

By Tariana Turia


Associate Minister for Social Development - Tariana Turia - is supporting calls for more tailored anti-violence programmes and other changes as outlined in a speech by the Principal Judge of the Family Court.


Judge Peter Boshier was critical of present programmes saying they are missing their target possibly because of a one size fits all approach, and that they should be better focussed and redesigned for one-off offenders and for Maori and Asian men.


The Maori Party welcomes the awareness of cultural competence being demonstrated by the Principal Judge - the recognition that the quality of services, access and outcomes is seen in the responsiveness to culturally determined solutions.


Mrs Turia says "I think the whole area of violence prevention services deserves another look – it might be better to have fewer providers delivering quality programmes that are targeted at a whole of family approach."


“It seems bizarre that perpetrators of domestic violence can receive counselling but it is only in rare situations that the Court can direct children to counselling – and yet surely the traumatic impact of violent episodes have the capacity to scar children for life”.


Mrs Turia is welcoming the announcement by the Minister of Justice - Simon Power - that he will meet Judge Boshier to discuss his ideas.


Mrs Turia says "It seems to me that what Judge Boshier is saying makes good sense and we should be listening carefully and taking what ever steps we can to deal with the violence that is affecting our families."


"The Judge is telling us that things haven't been done right in the past. I am keen to see positive and meaningful changes to get on top of this problem."