Why Rituals are good for your health

Thursday 12 March 2009, 9:47AM

By HealthMastery


Rituals are good for your health
Rituals are good for your health Credit: HealthMastery

Rituals are good for your health

Rituals and routines may be good for your health, a study has shown. The study's author, Dr. Barbara H. Fiese of Syracuse University defined rituals as events or acts that evoked emotions or were considered meaningful.

Rituals seem to have great beneficial effects on physical and emotional health.

People reported a stronger sense of self and couples reported happier marriages when carrying out rituals together.

3 Ways to create rituals for better health & wellbeing:

  • Eat together: If you’re like many families today, eating together happens once in a blue moon! Aim to eat at least one meal together every few days or even a snack together in the evening. By sitting down together in a regular basis, you will encourage discussion and create a chance to catch up. The more meaningful situations you can create, the more benefit you will derive from the rituals.
  • Read a novel or the newspaper each Saturday with a cup of tea: As woman, we are usually so busy looking after the needs of other people that we sometimes fail to carve out time for ourselves. Select an activity that you enjoy (reading a book, walking on the beach, sitting outside with a cuppa or even watching your favorite TV program) and stick to doing it at the same time(ish) and same day. Therefore each week you have a small chunk of time you can look forward to and know that it is your time out to do what you enjoy.
  • Go to the same holiday spot each year or same get-away place every few months. As a family or a couple, pick out a quick get-away spot or special holiday destination that you know you can realistically get away to each year. Experiences are truly what gives out life meaning, so chose a great destination you can look forward to and do activities or the above rituals there too so you can create happy memories (and rituals) that will see you through for life!

Create your own distinctive rituals that have meaning to you and your family and you will create a healthier you.

Nalisha Patel. FREE report “49 tips for shaping up and slimming down." See