Being Socially Isolated is Bad for your Health

Friday 13 March 2009, 9:35AM

By HealthMastery


Many studies have now shown that lack of socialising and living alone could lead to feeling more unhappy, depressed and lonely. Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine’s Centre for Population Studies looked at the impact on those without many social interactions. These people were more likely to feel dissatisfied with their lives. Socialising and interacting with others on a regular basis has been shown to decrease the risk of developing dementia by 50%, later in life. A study by the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found having a calm and outgoing personality in combination with a socially active lifestyle will contribute to reducing this risk. So, aim to socialise more with your friends and more regularly and you will protect yourself in your golden years!

Action Steps:

  • Contact a friend(s) you haven’t seen in a while and have been meaning to catch up with, and arrange a time to get together.
  • Get on the phone and have a long chat to a close friend or partner.
  • If you have no social events coming up, create one yourself! Who needs a reason for a get together?! Throw a small party, eat, drink (both in moderation!) and laugh with friends.
  • Pair up your cardio exercise with a friend who lives close by and natter away as your work up a sweat!

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