User pays in stratford
The Stratford District Council’s draft Long Term Plan highlights several big issues that are of importance to the Stratford District. One particularly important issue that may affect you is the concept of ‘user pays’.
It is proposed in Council’s Long Term Plan to review the proportions of how much of a cost is met by ratepayers, and how much by user charges. The proposal is to refine the proportions so that users pay more of the overall cost.
“Less cost will be met by the rates, and more cost will be met by individual users”, says Chief Executive Michael Freeman. “One example is the cost of resource consents, which in some cases are more than tripling. There are rises in other areas too, such as the cost of burials in our cemeteries which are proposed to rise from $420 to $760.”
Michael says the increases have been reviewed by the Stratford District Councillors themselves. “They spent a considerable amount of time last year working through each item that we charge for,” Michael says. “The result is not an ‘across the board’ increase, but each item has been individually considered. Some items have been kept as low as possible, such as the rents at the Elsie Fraser pensioner units, which are proposed to rise by only $5 a week. However, other items are proposed to increase more substantially.”
Clubs using Stratford sports fields are likely to feel the bite of the proposed increases, with most fees rising around 170%. This means the rugby fields on Victoria Park will cost $935 per field per season rather than $550, and cricket will cost $544 per field per season rather than $320.
Michael says the reasoning for the increase is for a more accurate reflection of who uses the service. “At the moment the whole of Stratford is paying for the maintenance of the sports grounds in their rates, while only a few residents will use them. We’re aiming for a fairer deal for everyone, which means increased user charges and an equivalent drop in rates.”
“From now until 24 April the public can have their say on the draft Long Term Plan,” Michael says. “Your comments influence the final decision Council makes, so it’s important you have your say.” For more information visit