Bees buzz around The Beehive

Wednesday 6 May 2009, 11:09AM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


Federated Farmers Bees spokesperson, John Hartnell and National Beekeepers Association chief executive, Jim Edwards
Federated Farmers Bees spokesperson, John Hartnell and National Beekeepers Association chief executive, Jim Edwards Credit: Federated Farmers of New Zealand


The buzz was louder than usual at The Beehive yesterday, as Federated Farmers joined the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Hon David Carter MP and National Beekeepers Association chief executive, Jim Edwards, around a real beehive.

“The launch of New Zealand’s first Bee Week, which took place on the grounds of Parliament yesterday, provided the Government with a chance to listen to the bee industry’s call for improving biosecurity and research,” says John Hartnell, Federated Farmers Bees spokesperson

“Bees are an invaluable part of New Zealand’s $24.5 billion agricultural sector. The bee industry welcomed today’s opportunity to show the Minister how to handle a beehive.

“I think the Minister saw that the bee industry is smokin’ when he got to handle a bee smoker.

“When it comes to bees, education and knowledge it is vital to the survival of these amazing creatures. It’s why the Federation is throwing its weight behind Bee Week 2009,” Mr Hartnell concluded.