Cronulla Sharks Investigation

New Zealand Police

Thursday 14 May 2009, 2:05PM

By New Zealand Police



Despite recent media and public interest into allegations surrounding members of the Cronulla Sharks team following their visit to New Zealand in 2002 Christchurch Police do not intend to reopen the investigation. No new information has come to hand since the matter was investigated seven years ago.

Christchurch Police conducted an investigation in 2002 for which five officers were sent to Australia and spoke with all (40) players, support staff and management re allegations of sexual offending involving some of the Sharks.

"We were satisfied that full, frank and honest accounts were given to us by all persons spoken to," says acting Detective Inspector David LONG who worked on the investigation. "All accounts obtained were analysed and cross referenced with all other persons spoken to in New Zealand as part of the investigation."

"Police are satisfied that no evidence was established that would support criminal charges being laid against any person. The female complainant was fully advised at the time of the outcome of the inquiry and accepted this."

The NZ Police are not considering reopening the investigation as no new information has come to hand that was not known in 2002 he says.

"We are confident that we have stepped though all the issues relating to the allegations made. A central issue of the investigation related to the issue of consent. This related to consent on behalf of the female involved and the belief of others who may have had contact with her that she consented to the activity that took place."

As a result of media and public interest questions have been raised regarding morality issues surrounding the allegations.

While issues of morality are of interest to the public they are clearly not an issue of Police to address when looking at the criminality surrounding the actions of any person. "Our role is to establish any criminality that warrants a matter being put before a Court of law," says acting Detective Inspector LONG