100% stratford

Monday 15 June 2009, 10:35AM

By Stratford District Council



The just released survey Ministry for the Environment Resource Management Act (RMA) survey of local authorities shows Stratford has achieved a 100% mark for the second time in a row.

Planning and Regulatory Manager Mike Avery describes the survey as a great way to benchmark Stratford’s performance against other local authorities. “The survey is conducted every two years and includes questions about key areas of RMA implementation. Stratford has excelled at processing resource consent applications, with 100% processed within the statutory timeframes.”
“This puts us at number one across the country, along with the Taranaki Regional Council, Buller District Council, and Chatham Islands Council. Clearly small councils are very effective in this area.”

Stratford District Council, Taranaki Regional Council, and Chatham Islands Council were all also ranked number one equal the last time the survey was conducted, in 2005/06.
Across the country, 69% of the 51,960 resource consent applications were processed on time. Just 0.74% of applications were declined, and 4.7% were publicly notified.
Nearby councils also scored good results: New Plymouth and South Taranaki both achieved 94%, which was a 5% increase for New Plymouth and a 13% increase for South Taranaki.

“The survey results sets the bar high,” Mr Avery said, “but in Stratford we are always seeking to improve our performance.”