Incident at Westport in Tasman District

Monday 29 June 2009, 10:04AM

By New Zealand Police



On Sunday 28th June 2009 at around 7.30pm, the Police were notified of an incident in a residential street in Westport.

This involved a dispute between two youths at a house which cumulated with one being allegedly struck on the head with a violin.

The victim, when reporting the incident from a neighbour's house, advised Police the offender had been in possession of a pistol previously that day and had now threatened to kill him.

The offender had not produced the pistol when the threat was made.

Due to the seriousness of the threat the West Coast Armed Offenders Squad was called to Westport.
They were supported by Squad members from Nelson and Blenheim.

The incident came to a close at 1.15 am when the alleged offender voluntarily went to the Westport Police Station.

Enquires are continuing into the events surrounding the incident and no arrests have been made.