Board approve funding for new signs in turangi

Monday 13 July 2009, 4:35PM

By Taupo District Council



The application by the Turangi-Tongariro Promotion Society for funds to renew existing street signs is approved by the Community Board.

The Community Board are impressed with the enthusiasm and dedication put into the project by the members of the Association and funding of $4,169 + gst will be provided from the Marketing South Board to replace the existing green information signs which are placed around Turangi.

Board member Terry O’Brien who is a member of the group says the Promotions group are keen to continue the momentum “we will be very pleased get this project under our belts. We want to make sure we keep the momentum going. We have a lot of ideas for improving the Turangi area including looking at lighting and possibly flags.”

Chairman Don Ormsby suggested the group make a list and decide what the priorities are and then come back to the Board, “the Board has money set aside for maintenance and improvements to the area. We didn’t spend it all last year so have requested the funds be brought forward for this very purpose.”

The six existing green signs are faded and will be replaced with smart new black and white signs. The hoops will remain but will be spruced up.