Sepuloni acknowledges Civil Defence in Southland

Labour Party

Thursday 16 July 2009, 6:33PM

By Labour Party



Labour Civil Defence spokesperson Carmel Sepuloni today thanked Civil Defence staff in Southland for their prompt response to last night’s earthquake measuring a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale.

“Whilst last night’s earthquake thankfully did not result in any injuries it is reassuring to note that the Southland Civil Defenceand Emergency Management group were quick to respond and moved swiftly to assess the damage, which at this stage is reported as being minimal” Carmel Sepuloni said.

“This earthquake, the largest anywhere on the planet this year, is a reminder that New Zealand needs to be ready if and when the next natural disaster creates an emergency situation."

“With staff shortages at the Wellington centre being highlighted earlier this year, one has to question how the Nation’s capital would have coped if a major earthquake were to hit.

“This year the National Government cut $1.2 million over the next five years from the Civil Defence budget.

“It’s disappointing and worrying that the budget for such an essential service could have its budget cut."

“The National Government is short-sighted to have cut this service. At the end of the day how much more damage will be caused tothe health and safety of New Zealanders and New Zealand’s economy, if we are not able to adequately respondin the event of a natural disaster because of short-sighted budget cuts,” Carmel Sepuloni.

"In light of New Zealand’s natural predisposition to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and floods, having a 'fingers crossed' attitude towards civil emergency preparedness is an irresponsible stance for the National Government to take.

"It would be better for the National Government to invest in the 'just in case' scenario than to have to face the 'if only we had….' Predicament,” Carmel Sepuloni said.