Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 117

Tuesday 28 July 2009, 5:42PM

By Ministry of Health


GP Consultations
GP Consultations Credit: Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health’s weekly monitoring may indicate a levelling in the number of people going to the GP with flu symptoms.

Health Minister Tony Ryall says “While the numbers of people going to their GP with flu symptoms may appear to be levelling, there are still high rates of flu in the community. Many people are still getting sick, and tragically some deaths are occurring. Around the country 22 people are seriously ill in ICU.

“It is far too soon to draw any conclusions around whether we have reached the peak or if this slowing reflects less social contact because of the school holidays. Flu spreads more readily from family to family through contact between children at school.

“There are indications in New Zealand and Australia that the rate of school age children presenting at GPs with flu symptoms slowed during the holidays so it is possible we will see the GP consultation rate start increasing again now that schools are back.

“There was also a slowing in hospital admissions last week, but again, more time is needed to draw any conclusions.

“The pattern in New Zealand is also similar to the state of Victoria, where we are advised there are early signs flu cases may be starting to decline.

“A new information campaign to help people reduce the spread of flu starts tomorrow with new Ministry of Health TV ads. Also, hand-washing posters are being sent to schools throughout the country to help schools remind kids about the importance of regular hand-washing. The campaign aims to lessen the pressure on the health system by helping people look after themselves.

Deputy Director of Public Health, Dr Fran McGrath, says with the pandemic still with us it was important people continued to make sure they washed and dried their hands thoroughly, covered coughs and sneezes, stayed home if unwell and sought help if their symptoms worsened.

"People unwell with influenza should carefully avoid contact with sick and elderly people, as well as pregnant women and young children, and not visit hospitals unless for treatment for their own illness," Dr McGrath said.

Latest Numbers

Numbers of people in hospitals with the Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09

As at midday today, a total of 72 people are reported to be in hospital with Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 or its complications, including 22 in intensive care.

The number of patients currently in intensive care with confirmed Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 broken down by region is as follows:
Northland ( 2), Auckland ( 7), Counties Manukau (4 ), Waikato (1 ), Lakes (1) Capital and Coast (2 ), Nelson Marlborough (1) Canterbury (4 ).

There are a total of 2704 confirmed cases of Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 swine flu, up from 2662 yesterday.

The actual number of cases of Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 will be significantly higher, as only a small proportion of people with symptoms are being tested.

This is because for most people, it's a mild illness and they will recover readily at home without needing medical treatment.

The number of deaths from Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 swine flu is now 13, up one since yesterday. The latest death is that of a woman in her 30's who died in Wellington in recent days.

Please note these 13 deaths reported by the Ministry are deaths from swine flu, where swine flu was a primary cause of death. The Ministry will continue to report deaths from H1N1 where H1N1 was the major contributing factor to the person's death.

Where people have H1N1 at the time of death, but it is unclear if it led to the death, normal pathology and testing procedures will be carried out. It can take a considerable amount of time to determine an outcome.

Healthline Calls

There has been a continued high number of influenza-related calls to Healthline over the past week, although numbers have decreased since the peaks Healthline experienced in mid-June and early July.


Information in this update can be attributed to Deputy Director of Public Health Dr Fran McGrath

For health information and advice, the public should call Healthline 0800 611 116

For latest updates on Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu, visit

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