Ministry of Health

237 posts | 15 images

The Ministry of Health aims to ensure that the health and disability system works for all New Zealanders. We have eight key responsibilities. These are to: provide policy advice on improving health outcomes, reducing inequalities and increasing participation act as the Minister's agent monitor performance of DHBs and health sector Crown entities implement, administer and enforce relevant legislation and regulations provide health information and process payments facilitate collaboration and co-ordination within and across the sectors provide nationwide planning and maintenance of service agreements plan and fund public health, disability support services and other service areas retained centrally. 

Joined August 2007
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Health 8 Mar 2011
Now's the time to get your 'flu' vaccination

Seasonal influenza (‘flu’) vaccine has arrived in New Zealand surgeries and Bonnie Leung (22) made sure she was one of the first to be vaccinated at the National Influenza Strategy Group’s (NISG) official launch in Auckland today.


Pharmacy 17 Feb 2011
Suspension of Avandia (rosiglitazone) from New Zealand market

Diabetes medicine rosiglitazone will be withdrawn from the New Zealand market on 29 April 2011 after a safety review found an elevated risk of cardiovascular events in patients treated with this medicine.


Health 15 Dec 2010
Ministry of Health recalls toxic lipsticks for kids

he Ministry of Health has requested the voluntary recall of four brands of lipstick for children, which have been found to contain low levels of lead and barium.


Court 15 Dec 2010
Disabled man ordered to repay $10 a week defrauded from Ministry of Health

CANTERBURY — A disabled man from Canterbury has been sentenced to six months home detention and ordered to repay $5,000 to the Ministry of Health at the rate of $10 a week after forging documents to claim caregiver support payments.


Crime 19 Nov 2010
Man convicted for operating as an unqualified chiropractor

MANUKAU CITY — The Manukau District Court today ordered Kevin John Burlace to pay almost $5000 in fines, reparations and costs for performing an activity which can only be carried out by a registered health practitioner.


Crime 3 Nov 2010
Former Auckland GP Dr Hong Sheng Kong sentenced for fraud offences

AUCKLAND CITY — An Auckland GP Dr Hong Sheng Kong was sentenced this afternoon in the Auckland District Court to 12 months home detention and 400 hours community service after pleading guilty to *16 counts of fraud.


Pharmacy 16 Oct 2010
NZ takes part in 3rd online global operation against illegal and counterfeit medicines

New Zealand and over 40 other countries recently took part in an international week of action targeting the online sale of counterfeit and illegal medicines, resulting in arrests across the globe and the seizure of thousands of potentially harmful medicines.


Health 7 Oct 2010
Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) - Update 211

Overall influenza activity continued its steady drop below the baseline for the third consecutive week.


Health 6 Oct 2010
Continuity of Disability Support Services Maintained

The Ministry of Health says the statutory management of IDEA Services Ltd is a pragmatic solution to ensure there is no disruption to disability support services for a significant portion of the 7,000 people in community residential services.


Health 24 Sep 2010
NZ preschoolers can get along well with others

Most New Zealand preschoolers are well-adjusted, and few have difficulties with their emotions, behaviour, or concentration, or in getting along with others, data from the B4 School Checks initiative show.


Health 24 Sep 2010
Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) - Update 209

Overall influenza H1N1 activity, which has been decreasing since the last week of August, has dropped below the baseline in the past week.

Weekly consultation rates for influenza-like illness in New Zealand, 2008-2010


Health 16 Sep 2010
Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) - Update 208

Influenza H1N1 activity in the community, including influenza related calls to Healthline, continues to fall.

Weekly consultation rates for influenza-like illness in New Zealand, 2008-2010


Health 7 Sep 2010
Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) - Update 206

Influenza H1N1 activity reports are continuing to show a decline.


Health 27 Aug 2010
Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) - Update 203

Influenza H1N1 activity is continuing across the country, with variable rates of infection according to geographic region.

Weekly consultation rates for influenza-like illness in New Zealand, 2008-2010


Maori 26 Aug 2010
Unequal Impact of Cancer Rates

For ten years to 2006, Māori mortality rates for cervical cancer fell by 11% per year.


Health 24 Aug 2010
Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) - Update 202

Influenza H1N1 activity is continuing to increase with some areas reporting higher hospitalisation rates than experienced during last year's pandemic.


Health 19 Aug 2010
Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) - Update 201

Influenza H1N1 activity is continuing to increase, and the Ministry of Health is now providing twice-weekly updates.

Weekly consultation rates for influenza-like illness in New Zealand, 2008-2010


Health 11 Aug 2010
Swine Flu Still Here

The Ministry of Health is reminding people that New Zealand is still seeing a significant level of pandemic influenza even though the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced the world is now in the post-pandemic phase, Deputy Director of Public Health Darren Hunt said today.


Health 7 Aug 2010
South Island Neurological Services Expert Panel - Terms Of Reference Released

DUNEDIN — Ministry of Health acting Director General Andrew Bridgman, today released the terms of reference for the expert panel to make recommendations on the future configuration of South Island Neurosurgery.


Health 30 Jul 2010
Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) – Update 197

Influenza activity is beginning to increase significantly.

Weekly consultation rates for influenza-like illness in New Zealand, 2008-2010


Health 23 Jul 2010
Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) – Update 196

Increasing influenza activity, Influenza activity continues to increase.


Health 23 Jul 2010
Ministry of Health Appoints Chief Nurse

Deputy Director-General of Sector Capability and Implementation, Margie Apa, today announced the appointment of Dr Jane O’Malley to the position of chief nurse for the Ministry of Health.


Pharmacy 23 Jul 2010
Medsafe announces date to introduce sales restrictions on some cough and cold medicines for children

  From 1 May next year cough and cold medicines for children under 12 years of age containing dextromethorphan and phenylephrine will only be sold in pharmacies.


Health 17 Jul 2010
Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) - Update 195

A second death of a 51 year old male linked to pandemic influenza (swine flu) has been reported to the Ministry of Health.


Health 14 Jul 2010
Hep C Contact Update - July 2010

More than half of the 56 New Zealand women at risk of hepatitis C following treatment at a private Australian medical clinic have been contacted and tested.


Health 1 Jul 2010
Emergency department stay times get virtual boost

Faster emergency department treatment will be one of the hot topics in a new web-based portal launched today (


Health 24 Jun 2010
Ministry of Health to offer support service for former sawmill workers exposed to PCP

Today [23 June 2010] the Ministry of Health released a report on a proposed special support service for former sawmill workers who were exposed to pentachlorophenol (PCP), a timber preservative used in the 1950s to 1980s.


Health 16 Jun 2010
Hep C Contact Update

Calls to Healthline are tailing off for women at risk of hepatitis C following treatment at a private medical clinic in Australia.


Health 5 Jun 2010
Update on efforts to contact 55 women at risk of Hepatitis C

New Zealand and Australian health authorities are working closely to contact 55 New Zealand women who may be at risk of having contracted Hepatitis C after having visited Croydon Day Surgery in Melbourne between 1 January 2006 and 7 December 2009.


Health 2 Jun 2010
55 women at risk of Hep C being traced

New Zealand and Australian health authorities are tracing 55 New Zealand women who visited a private medical clinic in Australia between 1 January 2006 and 7 December 2009 who may be at risk of having contracted Hepatitis C.


Health 27 May 2010
New Structure Announced

Please attribute these comments to the Director-General of Health Stephen McKernan.


Health 14 May 2010
Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) – Update 185

The overall level of influenza activity in New Zealand continues to be low, and the number of people visiting a GP with influenza-like illness remains below baseline levels.

Weekly consultation rates for influenza-like illness in New Zealand, 2008-2010


Health 21 Apr 2010
Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) – Special Update 181

Icelandic volcanic eruption and possibility of short term delays in influenza vaccine supplies from France.


Health 1 Apr 2010
Measles outbreak reminder to get immunised

The latest measles outbreak is a reminder about the importance of immunisation in protecting children from this disease.


Health 1 Apr 2010
Smoking rates track down

The latest Tobacco Use Survey (2009) shows the current smoking rate for New Zealanders aged between 15 and 64 years is 21.8%, down 2.1% from the 2008 rate of 23.9%.


Health 1 Apr 2010
Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) – Update 178

Influenza activity remains low and at the usual level for this time of year.

Weekly consultation rates for influenza-like illness in New Zealand, 2008-2010


Employment 17 Mar 2010
Ministry of Health consulting with staff

Please attribute these comments to the Director-General of Health Stephen McKernan.


Environment 15 Mar 2010
Public Health Mapua Report Released

MAPUA — Expert advice to the Ministry of Health is that it is unlikely there are adverse long-term health effects for local residents from the Mapua clean-up process.  The advice was released today along with a health impact report to the local Mapua community.


Health 9 Mar 2010
DG Stephen McKernan Not Seeking Reappointment

Director-General of Health, Stephen McKernan, is leaving the position and will be finishing later this year.


Health 9 Mar 2010
New health website to allow clinicians to network online

The Ministry of Health is developing a new website which will allow doctors, nurses and other specialists in the health sector to come together online to share information and discuss specific topics.


Health 8 Mar 2010
Don't let the flu get you – immunise now

Seasonal influenza (‘flu) vaccine has arrived in New Zealand surgeries and this year more groups of New Zealanders will be able to get free flu protection.


Health 27 Feb 2010
Red Tape Taken Off Shampoos and Toothpaste – Plans

Cuts to red tape covering some fluoride toothpastes and anti-dandruff shampoos is possible under an update to medicine regulations proposed in a paper released by the Ministry of Health today.


Health 18 Feb 2010
Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) - Update 172

During the week of 8-14 February 2010, overall influenza activity in New Zealand remained at the same low levels as in the previous week.

Weekly consultation rates for influenza-like illness in New Zealand, 2008-2010


Health 1 Feb 2010
National Director Appointed to National Health Board

“I am delighted to announce the appointment of Chai Chuah as the National Director of the NHB,” says Mr McKernan.


Health 22 Jan 2010
Media Statement: Sibutramine/Reductil

Medsafe is reviewing the balance of risks and benefits of using sibutramine and will be seeking expert advice from the Medicines Adverse Reactions Committee (MARC).


Health 15 Jan 2010
HPV Immunisation Safety Monitoring - Update 2

The Ministry of Health is aware of one report of a death of a young women following HPV immunisation.


Health 2 Dec 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 163

Sentinel surveillance data from the Institute of Environmental Science and Research shows that the current level of pandemic influenza activity in New Zealand is below baseline.

Weekly consultation rates for influenza-like illness in New Zealand, 2007-2009


Pharmacy 23 Nov 2009
Medsafe warns of 65 overseas websites offering unapproved herbal products

Medsafe today warned the public of 65 overseas websites that purport to be based in New Zealand and are touting unapproved herbal products.


Health 18 Nov 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 161

Influenza activity in New Zealand continues to to be low, with visits to doctors for influenza-like illness (ILI) being below the "baseline" level.

Graph of weekly consultation rates for influenza-like illness in New Zealand, 2007-2009


Health 18 Nov 2009
Ministry of Health Marks Diabetes Awareness Week

This week marks Diabetes Awareness Week and it serves as a timely reminder to all New Zealanders about the prevalence of diabetes amongst our communities.


Health 18 Nov 2009
Ministry of Health investigates Southland urologist

SOUTHLAND — The Ministry of Health recommends former patients of Invercargill-based urologist, Sajan Bhatia treated after February 2007 have their care reviewed by their GP.


Health 28 Oct 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 157

Pandemic influenza cases are increasing in many northern hemisphere countries.


Health 22 Oct 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 156

The total number of deaths attributed to swine flu is now 19 following investigation of the death of a 35 year old woman who died in Waikato on 21 September – she had underlying medical conditions.


Health 14 Oct 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 155

The rate of Pandemic Influenza infections is continuing to decrease in New Zealand, however it is still circulating.

GP Consultations Figure 1:


Health 1 Oct 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 153

As at midday today two people are reported to be in hospital with Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 or its complications.

GP Consultations


Pharmacy 25 Sep 2009
New 'online pharmacy claiming' service being rolled out to pharmacies nationwide

Submitting pharmacy claims has just become easier with the nationwide roll-out of an “online pharmacy claiming” service, following its successful pilot in more than 200 Auckland Metro pharmacies.


Health 25 Sep 2009
No conclusive evidence linking insulin glargine to higher cancer risk

Medicines regulatory authorities in New Zealand have found no conclusive evidence that the use of insulin glargine is associated with increased risk of developing cancer, saying findings of recent studies may be due to chance.


Health 23 Sep 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 152

While numbers of swine flu cases in New Zealand appears to be declining the virus is still circulating.

Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu


Pharmacy 17 Sep 2009
Import of Apotex products under close monitoring

This is an update to our release on Monday 14 September.


Pharmacy 14 Sep 2009
Medsafe closely monitoring Apotex

The Ministry of Healths drug regulatory arm Medsafe is closely monitoring Apotex, Canadas largest medicines manufacturer, following the United States placing an import ban on medicines produced at two manufacturing sites by this company.


Health 10 Sep 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 149

There are a total of 3150 confirmed cases of Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 swine flu, compared with 3146 on 7 September.

GP Consultations


Health 7 Sep 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 148

The number of deaths from Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 swine flu is 17.


Health 4 Sep 2009
Medsafe reviews dextropropoxyphene-containing medicines: Capadex and Paradex

Medsafe has started a statutory review of the safety and efficacy of all medicines containing dextropropoxyphene, Medsafe’s Group Manager Dr Stewart Jessamine said.


Health 4 Sep 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 147

The number of deaths from Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 swine flu is 17.


Health 3 Sep 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 146

There are a total of 3143 confirmed cases of Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 swine flu, up from 3130 on 31 August.

GP Consultations


Health 31 Aug 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 145

The number of deaths from Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 swine flu is 17.


Health 29 Aug 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 144

Swine flu' vaccine: The Ministry of Health has been advised by Baxters Healthcare Ltd that the first shipment of the pandemic influenza vaccine will not arrive in New Zealand until early next month.


Health 26 Aug 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 143

The amount of influenza in the community continues to decline as winter draws to a close, but health officials say people should continue the good hygiene habits they have developed in order to reduce their chance of getting and spreading influenza as well as a myriad of other infections which circulate all year.

Data from Environmental Science and Research's (ESR) sentinel general practice surveillance system.


Health 21 Aug 2009
Latest self-harm hospitalisation rates released

Young people aged 15 to 19 years old have the highest rates of intentional self-harm hospitalisations and females are twice more likely to be hospitalised than males.


Health 21 Aug 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 141

There are a total of 3090 confirmed cases of Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 swine flu, up from 3086 yesterday.


Health 11 Aug 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 131

The number of people reporting to GPs and hospitals with influenza-like illnesses continues to fall, but people need to remain vigilant and continue to take steps to stop the spread of germs.


Health 10 Aug 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 129

The total number of confirmed cases of Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 swine flu is unchanged from yesterday at 2935.


Health 8 Aug 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 128

The total number of confirmed cases of Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 swine flu is 2935, up from 2916 yesterday.


Health 8 Aug 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 127

The total number of confirmed cases of Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 swine flu is 2916 up from 2908 yesterday.


Health 4 Aug 2009
Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 09 Swine Flu - Update 124

The number of GP consultations for influenza-like illnesses appears to have decreased slightly but it is too soon to determine whether this is a temporary dip or the start of an ongoing fall in swine flu cases.

GP Consultations  The data below is from ESR's sentinel general practice surveillance system and shows the highest weekly influenza-like illness (ILI) consultation rates are nearly three times higher than the winter peak experienced in the last two years.


Health 30 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 119

The first of five Ministry of Health commercials has gone to air reminding New Zealanders to be vigilant about protecting themselves from flu' viruses.


Health 29 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 118

The Ministry of Health has called on the community to be especially aware of those people who fall ill and may need good friends and neighbours to check on them.


Health 28 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 117

The Ministry of Healths weekly monitoring may indicate a levelling in the number of people going to the GP with flu symptoms.

GP Consultations


Health 23 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 114

Director of Public Health Dr Mark Jacobs today said the swine flu pandemic is still likely to be in its early days and continued vigilance was important.


Health 22 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 113

Students living in close contact with others, for example student accommodation and boarding schools, need to be proactive in keeping themselves healthy, and in being careful to limit the spread of influenza if they have symptoms.


Health 21 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 112

New Zealand's health services continue to feel the pressure from both seasonal and non-seasonal influenza this winter, but are coping well.


Pharmacy 20 Jul 2009
Wairarapa pharmacist convicted of fraud

WAIRARAPA — Today a pharmacist was sentenced to nine months home detention and ordered to pay $25,000 in reparation for defrauding the Wairarapa District Health Board of just over $142,000.


Health 20 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 111

Schools are being advised to keep a close eye on students and children with underlying health conditions.


Health 20 Jul 2009
Measles reminder to get immunised

A rapid rise in the number of measles cases is a reminder for parents to make sure that their children’s immunisations are up to date.


Health 19 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 110

Thousands of students and teachers are due to go back to school tomorrow, but the Ministry of Health is advising anyone who is sick to stay home.


Health 18 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 109

The cumulative total of confirmed cases in New Zealand is 2250, up from 2230 yesterday.


Health 17 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 108

The Ministry of Health continues to encourage pregnant women who get sick with influenza-like symptoms to be prompt in phoning for medical advice.


Health 16 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 107

The number of confirmed deaths from new Influenza A (H1N1) swine flu has risen to 10, with the death of a Tairawhiti man in his 40s.


Health 15 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 106

Public awareness around swine flu remains high, with the Ministry of Health website and Healthline experiencing a higher than usual level of interest.


Health 14 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 105

The number of confirmed deaths in New Zealand from Novel Influenza A (H1N1) 09 swine flu is now nine, up two since yesterday and both people had underlying health conditions.


Health 13 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 104

The number of confirmed deaths in New Zealand from Novel Influenza A (H1N1) 09 swine flu remains at seven.


Health 10 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 101

As at 1.30pm today, New Zealand's confirmed number of deaths from Novel Influenza A (H1N1) swine flu remains at six.


Health 9 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update 100

New Zealand's confirmed number of deaths from Novel Influenza A (H1N1) 09 swine flu is six, up one since yesterday.


Health 9 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update Ninety-nine

The confirmed number of New Zealand deaths from Novel Influenza A is now five - up two from the three announced over the weekend.


Health 8 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update Ninety-eight

From today the Ministry of Health is providing a weekly snapshot that gives a fuller picture of the extent of this new influenza - numbers of people consulting GPs, and numbers admitted to hospital and in Intensive Care Units throughout the country.


Health 7 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update Ninety-seven

Healthline continues to receive high volumes of calls with well over 2,000 calls answered yesterday (Sunday).


Health 5 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update Ninety-six

Dr Mark Jacobs, Director of Public Health said the Ministry of Health and health services around New Zealand continue to focus on managing the pandemic, with our priorities being providing services to those most in need, and providing advice to New Zealanders on how they and their families can reduce the risk of infection.


Health 4 Jul 2009
3 deaths linked to Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update Ninety-five

The Ministry can sadly report three deaths linked to swine flu.


Health 1 Jul 2009
Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update Ninety-two

Whilst the majority of people who contract swine flu this winter will be able to care for themselves at home, there are some people, with underlying health conditions who may fall acutely unwell with the illness.