Youth Quiz Draws High Schools Together

Tuesday 8 September 2009, 12:56PM

By New Plymouth District Council



Members of the New Plymouth District Council’s Youth Subcommittee have spent the last month and a half organising Youth Quiz 09, a quiz night for all New Plymouth secondary school students.

The event to be held on 10 September (Thursday) at New Plymouth Boys’ High School’s Ryder Hall.

Youth Quiz 09 has been organised by young people for young people, says Youth Subcommitte Chairperson Grace Hall.

“The Youth Subcommittee has been speaking to New Plymouth District youth this year, about their community aspirations,” she says.

“We’ve had a lot of young people tell us that they think it would be awesome to have more high school interaction. Youth Quiz 09 is the Youth Subcommittee’s way of trying to encourage more positive interaction in a challenging, educational and fun way.

“There has been huge interest from all of the schools and we’re looking forward to a good turnout,” she says.

More than 200 young people are expected at the event.

Students have been able to register teams of six within their schools and have been encouraged to enter interschool mixed teams as well.

Participants can expect to be asked questions on themes from sport and music to entertainment and local, national and global topics.

“There’s even a round of questions based on things our generation, Gen Y, appreciate – like McDonald’s!” says subcommittee Deputy Chairperson Ben Bull.

As well as answering a variety of questions, the young people attending the event can expect to enjoy heaps of food and the chance to win some amazing prizes donated by very generous local businesses.

A highlight of the evening will be 7th formers battling it out to see who is the best at eating hotcakes. “Whichever 7th form wins our Van Dyck Fine Foods Ltd hotcake eating competition will win a hotcake morning tea for their entire 7th form Common Room,” says Ben.

Grace says the Youth Subcommittee are looking forward to providing the young people of New Plymouth with “an awesome night out”.

“We’re sure that this event will be the beginning of a lot more positive interaction between the high schools of the district,” she says.