Asian woman located and unable to assist Aisling Symes inquiry

Wednesday 14 October 2009, 11:28AM

By New Zealand Police



Police have located an Asian woman and are satisfied she is unable to assist with the disappearance of Aisling Symes.

Inspector Gary Davey, Waitakere Area Police Commander and head of Operation Longburn, said that last night detectives located an Asian woman police were interested in talking with.

"We've talked with her overnight and are satisfied she's unable to help us further," he said. "I'm unable to provide specific comment on the woman's discussions with us but she is no longer part of our inquiries relating to Aisling's disappearance."

Inspector Davey said police hugely appreciated the assistance police had received from members of the public throughout the last week.

"We had to cover all possible scenarios including abduction, and tease out all lines of inquiry including sightings of an Asian woman in the area," he said. "We acknowledge that our interest in seeking an Asian woman caused some concern amongst the community but it was a necessary part of trying to find Aisling."

Inspector Davey said a police team of about 30 staff are now completing background inquiries, scene reports and working on file preparation as part of the coronial process.

Police are also continuing to have close liaison with Aisling's family and offer whatever support is needed.

"We sincerely thank all the many members of the public who have delivered messages, beautiful cards prepared by children, flowers and other tributes. Many of these messages have come to us here at Henderson Police. Our team and Aisling's family appreciate these wonderful gestures."