Annual NRC Youth Summit in Whangarei this month

Northland Regional Council

Wednesday 14 October 2009, 6:58PM

By Northland Regional Council



Forty-nine students from 23 Northland schools will gather for a special Youth Summit at Whangarei’s Onerahi foreshore this month (subs: Wednesday 28 October) to discuss coastal environmental issues – and what they can do to make a difference.


The day-long workshop, organised by Northland Regional Council, is held annually and brings together Year Seven and Eight students (Form One and Two) nominated by schools from throughout Northland.

The Wednesday 28 October summit is built around a coastal marine theme and investigates ways in which young people can take an active role in the sustainable management of Northland’s coast.


Regional Council staff will work with students on a variety of subjects related to coastal marine management, as well as leading students through a mock resource consent hearing.

Students will also develop action plans to help them deal with the extensive range of coastal environmental issues that they have already identified as concerns.


These include:

  • Water quality
  • Coastal pollution
  • Sustainable use of the coastal marine area
  • Crab diversity

The free summit – the 14th hosted by the Council - will be held at Onerahi Yacht Club between 8.40am and 3.15pm.

Students will be attending from the following schools: Aranga and Arapohue Schools, Kaitaia Abundant Life School, Kaitaia and Kamo Intermediates, Kokopu, Manaia View, Mangakahia Area and Matakohe Schools, Okaihau College, Opua, Oromahoe, Otamatea Christian and Parua Bay Schools, Pompallier College, Poroti and Pouto Schools, Ruawai College, Tangiteroria and Tangowahine Schools, Tikipunga High and Whangarei Heads Schools and Whangarei Intermediate.