New court rules simple and effective

Tuesday 3 November 2009, 5:45PM

By Georgina Te Heuheu


New District Courts Rules making it easier, cheaper and faster to resolve civil claims took effect today.

Minister for Courts Georgina te Heuheu said the new District Courts Rules took the complexity out of making or responding to claims and dealt with concerns that claims were sometimes abandoned because the process was time consuming, complex or disproportionate to the size of the claim.

"I expect the new rules to deliver some real benefits to New Zealanders who want to get their issue sorted without too much fuss," she said.

"Under the new process, both parties to a claim are shown how they can come to an agreement without necessarily having to go to trial.

"It allows people to access faster and more effective justice that helps resolve their dispute without unnecessary delays, therefore helping to reduce cost."

The plaintiff and the defendant must now exchange information about the facts of the claim, identify documents and witnesses, and suggest a potential resolution prior to the Court dealing with the matter, Mrs te Heuheu said.

"Civil claims can come in many shapes and sizes so it is important to have a process in place that is not so complicated that people don't know how to seek resolution. The new rules officially came into force yesterday and took effect today.

A new website guides the parties through the process. The website contains forms which both plaintiffs and defendants will need to fill in as part of the information exchange process.

The reformed District Courts Rules in their entirety can be viewed on the Government's legislation website: