Maori Party President congratulates Parliamentary team

Saturday 12 December 2009, 3:38PM

By Maori Party


The President of the Maori Party, Professor Whatarangi
Winiata, today congratulated the leaders and members of the
party’s Parliamentary caucus on their top rating in the
annual TransTasman review of MPs’ performance.

“At the final Maori Party hui for 2009, held today in
Hauraki-Waikato (Hamilton), the National Council expressed a
motion of appreciation for the work of the five Maori Party
members of parliament” said Professor Winiata.

“The TransTasman newsletter clearly thinks our caucus is a
cut above the rest. On average they scored 5.2 out of ten,
compared with National’s 5.06 and Labour’s 3.9,” said
Professor Winiata.

“The two co-leaders scored 7 each, and Te Ururoa Flavell
and Rahui Katene were both above average on 6.

“It is especially gratifying to read the comments and
analysis about those two MPs,” said Professor Winiata.
“It is good to see their hard work behind the scenes, in
the House and on Select Committees being properly
recognised,” he said.

“Unfortunately the same cannot be said of TransTasman’s
view of Hone Harawira. They have allowed recent
controversies to overshadow Hone’s very real contribution
to Parliament over the year.

“By securing a Select Committee inquiry into the tobacco
industry, for example, Hone could save countless lives and
millions of health dollars for many years into the future
– and this deserves recognition.

“The National Council gave a rousing round of applause to
their parliamentary caucus” said Professor Winiata.

“The Caucus has had a remarkable year achieving
significant progress in moving towards the repeal of the
Foreshore and Seabed Act; negotiating unprecedented gains in
Budget 2009 and the Emissions Trading Scheme, progressing
the Whanau Ora policy; and to top it off, gaining support
for the national Maori Flag to fly on Waitangi Day”.

"While they have been putting the hours in for these big
ticket items, they have continued to hold down heavy
Ministerial posts; cabinet committee, select committee and
house duty responsibilities; and continuing to return
regularly to their constituents”,

“We are all proud of their dedicated commitment towards
advancing kaupapa Maori in the best interests of the

What TransTasman said:

Pita Sharples (7/10)
‘Still the mana man despite sometimes losing the plot.
Strong bond with John Key overcame problems which could have
derailed the support agreement. Essetial presence for the
future of the party.’

Tariana Turia (7/10)
Proved her value again this year. Careful and cautious
attitude probably doesn’t impress activists but she’s
got a firm grip on the realities of politics and how to make
deals for Maori.’

Te Ururoa Flavell (6/10)
‘Carried a heavy load in Pariament where his party
maintained its record of speaking on every bill. Respected
MP avoids useless rhetoric and makes a bigger contribution
than is probably apparent.’

Rahui Katene (6/10)
‘Showed how effective a first-term MP can be. Shared House
duties with Flavell, getting her head around difficult bills
and making sense of them. Doesn’t lose sight of why
she’s there.’

Contact: Professor Winiata, ph 021-646-513