Maori Party

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Joined August 2007
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Environment 25 Oct 2012
Maori Party to vote against ETS Bill

The Maori Party has confirmed that they will vote against the Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading and Other Matters) Amendment Bill when it comes up for its second reading in the house.


News 3 May 2012
Iwi leaders mobilise against AFFCO

Māori Party Co-leader Dr Pita Sharples says his appeal to iwi leaders to support whānau affected by the Talleys AFFCO lockout has triggered a strong response.


Employment 10 Feb 2012
'Jobless rate of Maori and youth provide little room for joy' says Maori Party

The latest update from Statistics New Zealand’s Household Labour Force Survey gives little room for joy regarding the employment situation for Maori, and for young people says the Maori Party.


Politics 30 Jan 2012
No exemptions from Treaty – Maori Party

The Maori Party has described Government plans to remove Treaty protections from the sale of four SOEs as ‘selling Treaty rights to the highest bidder’.


Politics 16 Jan 2012
Maori Party Welcomes launching of new Ainu Party in Japan

Co-leaders of the Maori Party, Dr Pita Sharples and Tariana Turia, have today expressed their support for the establishment of an indigenous political party in Japan.


Government 12 Dec 2011
Transformation and Poverty at the Heart of Relationship Accord

The Maori Party has signed a Relationship Accord with the National Party, to enable progress to be made in advancing Whanau Ora while at the same day placing poverty on the Government’s agenda.


Deaths 12 Dec 2011
Poroporoaki: Sir Henare Ngata

Haere, e te taonga o te mate haere.


Politics 2 Dec 2011
Maori Party co-leader, Tariana Turia, has come out in support of the call for an inquiry into low voter turnout.

"Turnout is a huge issue in the Maori electorates" said Tariana Turia.


Maori 10 Nov 2011
Brash needs to look at the law– Maori Party

Don Brash’s opposition to te reo Maori being compulsorily available in schools shows he is leading the ACT party into oblivion, says Maori Party Co-leader Dr Pita Sharples.


Politics 31 Oct 2011
Tell it straight, Hone!

Statement from Dr Pita Sharples, Co-leader of the Maori Party “The Maori Party acts with integrity, and honours undertakings we give.


Maori 10 Aug 2011
Maori Party supporting Pacific call on World Indigenous Day

Hon Tariana Turia and Hon Dr Pita Sharples Maori Party Co-Leaders Tuesday 9 August 2011 Ko taku reo taku ohooho, ko taku reo taku mapihi mauria; My language is my awakening, my language is the window to my soul.


Education 10 Aug 2011
Speech: Estimates Debate 2011 Vote Education - Rahui Katene

The Maori Party is pleased to take a call today, to address the estimates for Vote Education – and in particular to address the advice from the report of the education and science committee regarding charters.


Maori 9 Aug 2011
Poroporoaki: Nancy Wake - Hon Tariana Turia and Hon Dr Pita Sharples

E te mokopuna a Pourewa! Nau te mana Maori i kawe ki te pakanga o te ao; he toa koe i hoki mai i te pae o te riri; inaianei koe kua haere ki o tipuna ki tua o te arai.


Government 15 Jul 2011
Smokefree Environments (Controls and Enforcements) Amendment Bill; Third reading Rahui Katene

Mr Speaker, in one of the submissions presented to the Select Committee there was a statement attributed to Moana Jackson that had come from the National Maori Tobacco Control Strategy 2003-2007.


Government 15 Jul 2011
Smokefree Environments (Controls and Enforcement) Amendment Bill : Rahui Katene, MP for Te Tai Tonga

I rise to take a brief call on my Supplementary Order Paper in relation to my new clauses 5a, 6a and 9a to amend the Smokefree Environments (Controls and Enforcement) Amendment Bill.


Politics 11 Jul 2011
ACT's advertising campaign 'not in the interests of New Zealand moving forward'

The Maori Party has described ACT's advertising campaign as deeply offensive.


Maori 6 Jul 2011
Speech: Rahui Katene, New Zealand Security Intelligence Amendment Bill / Crimes Amendment Bill

Tena koe te whare, rau rangatira ma, tena koutou katoa.


Agriculture 19 Apr 2011
Maori Party congratulates Ngai Tahu on 'Entrepreneurial Courage'

The Maori Party has, yesterday, commended Ngai Tahu Holdings in its decision to take an equity stake in Agria’s holding company.


Education 8 Oct 2010
Culture Matters : One Shoe Doesn't Fit All'

It could not be a better time to be gathering together, to share our thoughts around the concept that culture matters.


Politics 7 Aug 2010
Maori Party Candidate for Hauraki Waikato Announced

Maori Party Vice-President, Heta Hingston, has today announced the successful Maori Party candidate for the 2011 General Election is Tauhuia Bruce Mataki 'Bruce brings into the role, a distinguished career in the Defence Force, in Maori Business Development and in the agricultural sector" said Mr Hingston.


Film 1 Jun 2010
Greens farewell Merata Mita

The Green Party today paid tribute to the life and work of Merata Mita.


Sport 1 Jun 2010
Name them Andy

The Maori Party is calling on Andy Haden to add some substance to his claim that the Crusaders have a policy to cap the number of Polynesian players in the squad at three.


Crime 19 Jan 2010
Maori Party appalled by three strikes proposals

Proposed ‘three strikes’ legislation shows the government is hide-bound by political rhetoric on crime and punishment that has no factual basis, says the Maori Party.


Education 16 Dec 2009
Maori Party demands Maori reps on Polytechs

The Maori Party today submitted a Supplementary Order Paper to the Education (Polytechnics) Amendment Bill, seeking a guarantee of Maori representation on Polytech councils.


Politics 12 Dec 2009
Maori Party President congratulates Parliamentary team

The President of the Maori Party, Professor Whatarangi Winiata, today congratulated the leaders and members of the party’s Parliamentary caucus on their top rating in the annual TransTasman review of MPs’ performance.


Politics 2 Dec 2009
Statement from the Maori Party

The Maori Party has reached resolution of the process of whakahou wairua which is a process that restores the spirit of all those who have been affected by a particular action.


Politics 29 Nov 2009
Statement from the Maori Party - Whakahou Wairua

On 12th November the Maori Party leadership met in Kaitaia with party members from Te Tai Tokerau to raise concerns emerging from recent actions of Hone Harawira.


Politics 25 Nov 2009
Maori Party - 'Our word is our bond'

The National Executive of the Maori Party has confirmed that no meeting has been organised or authorised of the National Council to discuss the decision of the Maori Party to support the Emissions Trading Scheme.


Politics 6 Nov 2009
Maori Party on verge of disciplinary process against MP

The Maori Party is very concerned that MP Hone Harawira's behaviour in Europe, and a subsequent email that he sent, are serious breaches of the kaupapa and tikanga of the Party.


Health 5 Nov 2009
Nelson/Marlborough Health Results Shock Maori Party

NELSON — Results from a report examining the lifestyles of Maori in 150 Nelson and Marlborough households have shocked Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia and local member Rahui Katene.


Politics 3 Nov 2009
Maori Party welcomes PMs statement on Foreshore and Seabed Act

Maori Party co-leaders Tariana Turia and Dr Pita Sharples welcomed the clear indication today from the Prime Minister that the Foreshore and Seabed Act is to be repealed.


Community 24 Oct 2009
Maori Party congratulates world-famous adult educator

The Maori Party today offered warm congratulations to Sandi Morrison of Tainui and Te Arawa on being the first-ever New Zealander to be inducted into the International Adult and Community Education Hall of Fame.


Environment 20 Oct 2009
Maori Party on ETS

The Maori Party remains committed to working through the points of agreement reached between themselves and the National Party around the ETS.


Politics 18 Oct 2009
Co-leaders welcome wise decison from wise man

Whatarangi Winiata will continue in the role of President of the Maori Party, following a call for him to stay put by more than 100 members gathered for the party's Hui-a-Tau (annual general meeting) in Auckland today.


Politics 25 Sep 2009
Maori Party salutes Sue Bradford

Maori Party Co-leader Tariana Turia has today spoken of her sadness at learning of the resignation of Green MP Sue Bradford.


Deaths 24 Sep 2009
Poroporoaki ki Ta Howard Morrison

Kua pokarekare nga wai o Rotorua! Kua pahu nga waiariki o Ohinemutu! Kua tairi mai te kohu ki runga o Tamatekapua! Kua ru te Papaiouru i te hinganga o Ta Howard Morrison, rangatira o Ngati Whakaue, reo rongonui o te ao Maori ki nga topito o te ao!   E te rangatira, ka pa mai te rongo kino nei, ka pakaru mai te tangi o nga iwi huri noa, Maori, Pakeha, i te mamae, i te arohanui ki a koe.


Politics 26 Aug 2009
Tuhoe business is Tuhoe business

"The Maori Party wants to make it absolutely clear that Tuhoe business is just that, and the party is not, and will not be, interfering in the iwi's Treaty negotiations," said the co-leaders, Tariana Turia and Pita Sharples.


Politics 17 Jul 2009
Maori Party welcomes chief justice comments

The Maori Party has backed the call by Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias for public education and debate on justice and penal issues.


Maori 13 May 2009
Maori Party welcomes UN report on Maori human rights

The co-leaders of the Maori Party have welcomed the report of the United Nations Human Rights Council which has recommended our government better protect Maori rights.


Council 6 May 2009
Campaign for Maori seats in super city not based on Tikanga

AUCKLAND — Calls by some Maori politicians and Urban Maori groups for privileged seats on the Auckland council are not based in Tikanga, and are not the best way to achieve their goals, ACT New Zealand Maori Issues Spokesperson Peter Tashkoff said today.


Diplomacy 6 May 2009
Maori Delegation to Fiji

The Maori Party co-leaders say they will not be travelling with a Maori delegation to Fiji.


Diplomacy 5 May 2009
Plans for a Maori delegation to go to Fiji are ongoing, says Maori Party President

The Maori Party caucus today heard that there is ongoing support from Maori and Pacific peoples for a Maori delegation to go to Fiji.


Maori 30 Apr 2009
Ririnuis bright idea over Maori seats too little, too late

The Maori Party welcomes Labour's about-face on the issue of entrenching Maori seats in Parliament, and Labour's support for long-standing Maori Party policy.


Rugby 28 Mar 2009
Maori Party welcomes plan for Maori Rugby team to play in South Africa

"It's great news that the South Africans are now working to organise a match between the Maori team and the Springboks" says Te Ururoa Flavell the sports spokesperson for the Maori Party.


Politics 17 Mar 2009
'Due Process must be followed' says Maori Party co-leaders

NORTHLAND — Maori Party co-leaders, Hon Dr Pita Sharples and Hon Tariana Turia, have noted the comments of Tai Tokerau MP, Hone Harawira released today in a Northern paper.


Council 19 Feb 2009
RMA - simplifying and streamlining: Rahui Katene

One of the foundation concepts of the Maori Party – and indeed Te Ao Maori – is that of kaitiakitanga.


Politics 30 Jan 2009
Maori Party supports wage restraint for elected leaders

As debate continues today over pay rates for MPs and elected members of local government, the Maori Party says its MPs should not be granted a pay rise.


Diplomacy 26 Jan 2009
Maori Party Congratulates Australian of the Year

Maori Party co-leaders, Dr Pita Sharples and Tariana Turia, have today extended their enthusiastic greetings to veteran indigenous activist, Professor Mick Dodson of the Yawuru peoples in Western Australia.


Aid 20 Jan 2009
Maori Party to launch appeal for Fiji flood victims

The Maori Party is to launch an appeal for funds for flood victims in Fiji.


Politics 16 Nov 2008
Maori Party welcomes agreement with National Party

WELLINGTON CITY — The agreement signed today between the Maori Party and the National Party shows commitment to building a relationship of mutual respect and good faith which will benefit the nation, according to the Maori Party negotiating team.


Politics 15 Nov 2008
Maori Party consultation nears exciting conclusion

As the whirlwind consultation schedule comes to an end, Mori Party co-leader Tariana Turia says she has been humbled by the amazing reception the party has received, after 30 hui in the last three days.


News 13 Nov 2008
Consultation hui going well  Maori Party

By the close of today, the Maori Party will have completed eighteen consultation hui to discuss potential arrangements with the National-led government.


Politics 13 Nov 2008
Maori Party consultation underway on government formation

The Maori Party MPs are already on the road again, for their nationwide consultation tour following Election night.


Politics 12 Nov 2008
Voter Turnout in the Maori Electorate Seats of Huge Concern

Preliminary electorate results indicating a 55% voter turnout in the Maori seats should concern every New Zealander says the Maori Party.


Politics 6 Nov 2008
A New Dawn in Politics for us all

Veteran broadcaster, and Ikaroa-Rawhiti candidate for the Maori Party, Derek Fox, has today spoken of the heart-rending inspiration that the victory of Barack Obama brings for the people of Aotearoa.


Politics 6 Nov 2008
John Key Ditches his own school

CHRISTCHURCH — Maori Party Te Tai Tonga candidate Rahui Katene is appalled that experienced politicians from both major parties have done nothing about a school which is a health hazard to its students.


Politics 5 Nov 2008
'Change We Can Believe In'

“Americans have said YES WE CAN, and the world has witnessed history changing before our very eyes” said Tariana Turia today at the news of the election of Democrat Barack Obama as President of the United States” “I know that throughout homes all over Aotearoa, the tears will be flowing at this unique moment in time” said Mrs Turia.


Politics 5 Nov 2008
Do you want wages with your fries?

Hauraki-Waikato candidate, Angeline Greensill is supporting the call of union members from around Hamilton and Auckland, for urgent action to increase low pay.


Politics 5 Nov 2008
Maori Health in Hauraki-Waikato deserves greater priority says Greensill

Hauraki-Waikato candidate, Angeline Greensill, has today congratulated Waikato District Health Board for being a finalist in three sections in the national Health Innovation Awards; and for receiving a commendation for its ‘double balloon enteroscopy’ procedure.


Maori 5 Nov 2008
National Debate on the Treaty Welcomed

Maori Party co-leaders, Tariana Turia and Pita Sharples, have praised the role of the media in helping to frame an important national debate around Te Tiriti o Waitangi.


Politics 4 Nov 2008
Entrenched poverty in Ikaroa-Rawhiti shocks Maori Party

MANAWATU-WHANGANUI — "The burden of nine years of failed government policies is falling on the young and the poor" says Ikaroa-Rawhiti Maori Party candidate Derek Fox.


Politics 4 Nov 2008
Relief is on its way

As a way to provide temporary relief to families during the upcoming Christmas holiday period, the Maori Party has suggested that a $500 payment, tax free and in a lump sum, be paid in the first week of December 2008 to the families of all 230,000 children living in poverty.


Politics 4 Nov 2008
Turning out in Style to lift the Turnout

WELLINGTON — The Maori Party is taking its message to the streets of the capital today, in a bold move to lift turnout in the Maori electorates.


Politics 3 Nov 2008
A Vote for the Maori Party is a Vote for Papatuanuku

The Maori Party is thrilled to receive an 87% rating from Vote for the Environment supported by Greenpeace and ECO.


Politics 3 Nov 2008
Korero kaupapa  not political rhetoric: Maori Party

The Maori Party says both National and Labour are gradually coming around to a consistent position on entrenchment of the Maori seats - a position which reflects very favourably on the influence and impact of the Maori Party.


Politics 31 Oct 2008
Maori Party going all out to spread word - Get on the Roll and Vote!

As EasyVote packs are delivered, the Maori Party is concerned about questions raised over the state of electoral rolls, and the procedures used to maintain them.


Politics 22 Oct 2008
Overhang will become landslide  Maori Party

Some minor party leaders seem to fear that an overhang of seats in Parliament will overshadow their own influence in post-election negotiations, says the Maori Party.


Politics 21 Oct 2008
Maori Party to release Treaty policy

CHRISTCHURCH — This Wednesday 22 October at midday, in Christchurch's Cathedral Square, Rahui Katene will release the Treaty of Waitangi policy for the Maori Party.


Politics 14 Oct 2008
Whanau ora embraces all cultures - Maori Party

The family network as the springboard for social, economic and cultural resurgence was the key theme of the Maori Partys policy launch in Hawkes Bay today.


Deaths 2 Oct 2008
Poroporoaki: Rangitihi Rangiwaiata Tahuparae, MNZM

E koriporipo ana nga wai o Whanganui! E tu mokeomoke ana a maunga Taranaki! Kua tau nga kapua pouri ki runga i te Kahui Maunga! E tangi ana nga iwi o Kurahaupo, o Aotea, o Tainui, o Te Arawa.


Politics 29 Sep 2008
Maori Party asks: Do Clark and Key run TV3?

The Maori Party is astounded at TV3’s apparent cave-in to the demands of Labour’s Helen Clark and National’s John Key over the organisation of the political parties’ leaders debates.


Politics 29 Sep 2008
Maori Party welcomes TV3 cancellation of leaders' debate

The Maori Party congratulates TV3 on its principled decision to cancel the planned Political Party Leaders’ Debate, following the refusal of Labour’s Helen Clark and National’s John Key to participate.


Politics 24 Sep 2008
Maori Party Disgusted at the Winston Peters Attack

WELLINGTON CITY — Dr Sharples, Co-leader of the Maori Party today poo-poohed the personalised attack on the Maori Party by NZ First Leader, Winston Peters.


Education 24 Sep 2008
Greensill Supports our Tertiary Warriors

HAMILTON —  “Government needs to fully support Maori tertiary students,” says Angeline Greensill, Maori Party candidate for Hauraki-Waikato.


Politics 18 Sep 2008
Government actions against gangs full of inconsistencies - Maori Party

Government measures to combat gangs are riddled with inconsistencies and will prove to be quite ineffective, says the Maori Party.


Politics 16 Sep 2008
Maori Party profiles local candidates

WELLINGTON CITY — On Tuesday 16 September, the Maori Party will complete the Te Tai Tonga roadshow with a final day in Wellington.


Maori 14 Sep 2008
Whakanuitia te whakaoranga ano o te reo Maori

Korerotia i nga wa katoa, i nga wahi katoa, kia ora tonu ai, ake tonu atu!


Politics 12 Sep 2008
Maori Party excited to begin election campaign

The Maori Party co-leaders said they are pleased that the election date has finally been set and they are looking forward to the election campaign getting under way.


Crime 11 Sep 2008
Maori Party shocked at killing of police officer

AUCKLAND — The Maori Party said today they were appalled to hear of the killing of a police officer, and the shooting and beating of a colleague, during an operation against a clandestine P lab in Mangere.


Court 11 Sep 2008
Maori Party congratulates Justice Joe Williams

The Maori Party congratulates Joe Williams, Chief Judge of the Maori Land Court and Chairperson of the Waitangi Tribunal, on his appointment to the bench of the High Court in Auckland.


Conservation 11 Sep 2008
Hauraki Waikato Candidate celebrates Conservation Week

WAIKATO —  To celebrate Conservation Week Angeline Greensill, the Maori Party candidate for HaurakiWaikato has told members, friends and whanau to consider taking a walk around their local community to learn more about the habitat they share with natue. 


Health 6 Sep 2008
Place community at centre of primary health services  Maori Party

A critical Health Workforce report echoes concerns from Maori health providers that GP practices capture most funding, and nursing and support services miss out, according to the Maori Party.


Politics 3 Sep 2008
Treaty claimants like cattle in a stockyard  Maori Party

The rush of last-minute Treaty claims is a sign of serious problems in the settlement process, according to the Maori Party.


Politics 26 Aug 2008
Maori Party call to address food poverty

The dramatic 7.6% rise in food prices announced yesterday by Statistics NZ is but another factor in the hardship being endured by more and more New Zealanders says the Maori Party.


Politics 26 Aug 2008
Maori Party Roadshow in Te Wai Pounamu

This week Maori Party MPs and electorate candidates, including Te Tai Tonga candidate Rahui Katene, are attending a roadshow organised by Te Wai Pounamu electorate members and supporters.


Politics 22 Aug 2008
Maori Party Announces List

President of the Maori Party, Professor Whatarangi Winiata, has announced the Maori Party list which represents an impressive field of 19 candidates ready, willing and able to lead Aotearoa into the future.


Politics 22 Aug 2008
Maori Party Tai Tonga candidate alarmed at job losses

“The South is suffering” said Te Tai Tonga candidate Rahui Katene today after yet more job losses were announced in Dunedin and Hokitika.


Health 20 Aug 2008
Maori Party Welcomes South Auckland Health Centre

Maori Party Co-leaders, Dr Pita Sharples and Hon Tariana Turia, congratulated Counties Manukau DHB, Auckland University, Manukau Institute of Technology and AUT University for their brave step forward in announcing earlier today a new health research centre for up to 500 trainee health workers to be built in South Auckland.


Politics 19 Aug 2008
Maori Party hits H'Town

The Maori Party MPs and candidates are hitting the road this week, in their ongoing commitment to return to the people, kanohi ki te kanohi.


Politics 18 Aug 2008
Maori Party congratulates Pacific Party on successful launch

The Maori Party welcomes the New Zealand Pacific Party into the political arena as a new voice for Pacific peoples, following its successful launch on Saturday night.


Politics 17 Aug 2008
Maori Party goes for gold to win seven Maori seats

The Maori Party campaign to secure the remaining three Maori electorate seats gathers momentum this week with the party’s seven candidates travelling the Hauraki-Waikato electorate together, after a very successful week touring the Ikaroa Rawhiti electorate to secure the support of Maori voters.


Politics 31 Jul 2008
Welcome to Parliament Ngai Tuhoe! - Maori Party

He ra whakahirahira tenei i tae mai ai Ngai Tuhoe ki te Whanganui a Tara ki te tamoko kawenata me te kawanatanga kia tatu ai a ratou take whenua, hei ta te Ropu Maori.


Deaths 28 Jul 2008
Poroporoaki: Mere Knight

E te whaea e Mere, kua hoki atu koe ki te kopu o te whenua, takoto mai, takoto mai, moe mai ra.


Deaths 28 Jul 2008
Poroporoaki: Hema Nui a Tawhaki Witana (Dell Wihongi)

“Te tai ra, te tai ra! E pari ana ki whea?

E pari ana ki te kauheke, kaumatua, he tipua!”

The Mori Party is greatly saddened to hear of the passing of Te Rarawa kuia, Dell Wihongi.


Trade 24 Jul 2008
NZ China Free Trade Agreement

I tera wiki, i whakanuitia ana a Rererangi Aotearoa e te Minita Tapoi e Damien O’Connor, i te whakatuwheratanga o te rere-kotahi, mai i a Beijing, ki Tamaki Makaurau.


Deaths 17 Jul 2008
Poroporoaki: Heni Materoa Sunderland 17 July 2008

E to e te ra, e to ki to rua.


Deaths 1 Jul 2008
Poroporoaki ki Ta Rose Henare QSO

“E te ruahine o te Tai Tokerau, te mörehu kuia o tera rau tau, takoto mai ra, moe mai ra, okioki mai ra.


Deaths 12 Jun 2008
Poroporoaki: Rereamoamo Monte Ohia

Aue, te ngau o te mate! te mamae! te mamae!.